
You made a bunch of factually incorrect statements there. You also showed a pretty breathtaking ignorance of statistics.

The ad may have been horribly articulated, but the dude has a long, long track record of working with genuinely iconic female artists. If anyone has a handle on what music appeals to multiple demographics (of women) it’s him; he’s not only got a resume to prove it, but a very large number of women with whom he

Like, ever read Tiime’s Arrow? Should have won the Booker, is a classic.

Far be it for me to agree with Judith Miller, but there is a certain inanity to the whole “safe space” bullshit. I absolutely think those kids are right about enduring racism and classism, but their demands that dissenting views not be uttered are ridiculous. They imply that they risk damage from hearing things that

They all reported to the administration, who had the duty. Since they’re all gone, you know what happened, penalties were paid.

Vodka. Both as a liquid for the dough and a tranquilizer for the pie maker.

Well, the people who knew are gone. Paternity is dead. The students who protested were a) wrong b) likely graduated c) not dissimilar from the huge numbers of people who disbelieve allegations against heroes. FWIW, Paterno failed, in my opinion.

Seeing as Penn State and the retirement fund are trying to stop his benefits, you should moderate a bit. Sandusky wasn’t an employee at the time of the proved assaults. The ruling prevents PSU/retirement board from withholding his pension for that reason; it’s not like they didn’t try.

Well, this country, well before any of us or our forbears were present, engaged in genocide against American indigenous populations and legal slavery. Are you permanently shamed, purely because you are descended from an immigrant to this country?

That’s either freaky or proof that we have crossed the “naked celebrity supports a cause” Rubicon. Fuck it, I’m going with freaky, even if they’re not real photos.

This is, next to Scientology, and 7 Day Adventism, one of the more batshit religions out there. No matter one’s stance on a God, certain historical facts can’t be avoided. The LDS were founded by a criminal, the “church” enabled a massacre, sexual abuse, astounding racism and made a mockery of the establishment clause

Many people are being snarky with regard to her language. It might be too soon, but Perrette’s language is instructional, in a way.

The issue isn’t the protesters or their legitimate grievances, IMO. It’s the cognitive dissonance regarding free speech. If you want to wield it to advance your ideas, you have to accept that others have the same right. You aren’t entitled to protection from execrable ideas.

Neither does the failure to acknowledge the obvious; it isn’t all men. If you don’t want dialogue, the use of simplistic, blanket terminology is a great way to discourage it. The conceit that “men” shouldn't protest their lack of participation in oppressive behaviors is also cognitively dissonant.

Better drugs won’t make football safer. Better drugs might make injury treatments more bearable, but those drugs do nothing to change the basic mechanics of football. Drugs aren’t going to stop collisions.

The idea that all phraseology must be parsed to protevt individuals from upset is ludicrous. We can be sympathetic and still use accurate descriptors. “Refusing to cooperate” is precisely what this woman is doing. What if other evidence was strong enough that prosecutors found it necessary to “coerce her”?

GQ is awful. I’m not sure how you define “strongest content”, but I’m hoping differently than you define “strong content”. That mag has taken a dive.

Well, the age of consent is 16 in Michigan. That doesn't make what the guy wants to do in any way palatable, just legal. And, unless barred by company policy, which policies usually involve supervisor/employee relationships, it's not illegal to have sex with your co-worker. So, legally probably on safe ground.

Not in any way diminishing your experience, just the conceit that Title IX is a good vehicle for due process. Many institutions are getting sued because of the unequal application of punishment against defendants who aren’t able to examine evidence, witnesses or confront their accusers, all of which are traditions