
You continue to disregard the fact that she is qualified and is certified by the national board. Alabama DEA has the latitude to reciprocate certification should they choose, since the national requirements are more rigorous. It's not a zero-sum game.

She has a national board certification, which is harder to obtain. The state simply doesn’t reciprocate, unlike most. There’s no way this can be laid at the teacher’s feet. She wasn’t even hired to teach the grade was deemed “unqualified” to teach. Couple that with the payment issue and you have a pretty clear case of

I agree with most of your points.

There has to be a better word than “clickbait”, but I’m pretty sure you know what I’m trying to describe; declarative, semi-inflammatory headlines that frequently aren’t validated by the content.

The fact that anyone needs to be told that blackface is offensive is astounding. Those that do likely know, just don’t care.

Well, they pay Gruden $6.5 million for doing far, far less than Simmons did. While it lost money, ESPN simply didn't even try to promote Grantland or try to use it as a loss leader. ESPN had no obligation to lose money, but they could have done a lot more to accrue value from the site. Eh, it's pretty clear that their

Simmons was also driving money into the enterprise. 30 for 30, for example. ESPN brought him in, took advantage of his ability to multi-task and his native understanding of how to build an audience (remember, he started on Page 3), but coddled his ambition, too. The latter is what doomed the relationship, because ESPN

The metrics used to measure success in web publishing are weird to begin with. “Uniques” in particular, and page views for individual stories are too dependent on inconsistent and unreliable methods for attracting readership. The best things on Grantland, as with Gawker properties, are the longer, better edited

edit: Not because she was unjustified, but because provoking anyone can be dangerous, particularly when another is yelling, running after them and filming them. People are unpredictable. She could have gotten punched or otherwise hurt, and they guy might have been able to legitimately allege he was being stalked,

She was stupid.

Some families DO get hammered and try to knock the shit out of each other once a week. Just not necessarily on a Sunday.

For lots of reasons...we’ve only seen one video, the witnesses have to be interviewed, they have to hash out the protocols for officer involvement, etc. No doubt that violence was uncalled for, but that's substantially different from illegal.

Not quite sure how much time you’ve spent in Ireland, but much like the poor misinterpreted of “idiosyncratic”, it would do to understand the local vernacular and humor before labeling a guy a “douchebro”.

16 year olds don’t get to have “tantrums”. You’re being a little inconsistent with your assessment of her maturity. Nothing forgives the violence, but unless one looks at the macros of why these things occur, the conversation is meaningless.

You’re really over-simplifying. I agree that kids shouldn’t face arrest unless the commit actual crimes (violence, theft, drug dealing, etc), but schools have limited resources and ever-shrinking disciplinary rights. You also seem to forget that the primary reason “resource officers” are around in the first place is

One divorce? Shit happens. Two divorces? Marriage is hard. Three divorces? Look inward, because it can't just be the other party to the marriage.

There’s an arrogance peculiar to the devout of any stripe, that they can know with certainty, the will of God. Further, they believe that an all-powerful God is incapable of change, which is more than vaguely contradictory.

She’s still alive and feminist; she’s contemporary.

You should read up on how unions work.

Bullshit. “Most hated...”, by who? The six people she talked to? Who makes up “the indie beauty community”?