
There aren't any Confederate heroes. There are dead people who fought for preservation of the right of humans to own other humans. They killed people and died in service of a cause that is a blight on history.

Sorry for any misunderstanding. They're going to kill it, but rather than just taking one shot, they're going to use the "1000 cuts" method.

You should read a book by Paul Johnson called, “Intellectuals”. Geniuses tend to be deficient in other qualities, just like all of us.

Your last paragraph isn’t a bad description of Deadspin. The in-jokey, groupthink stuff in particular.

It’s hard to parse all the outrage when we’re talking about a game that has “unwritten” rules that involve throwing a rock at 90 mph at a person. 9/10 times, if Tejada wasn’t twisted in such an unusual way, nothing happens to him except he hits the deck.

Fuck the Mets.

I’m always surprised when people are shocked that religious organizations act like religious organizations. Where’s the mystery in how Christian sects (any of them, really) treat single parents, divorced parents, gay parents, etc? Don’t drag in the outliers, think about the mainstream big hitters who run gigantic

Perhaps you don’t know any people who spent their formative years broke, then made lots of money, and despite the freedom of that financial comfort, remained weirdly, or inconsistently frugal. I do. Shit, I work for one now. Multi-millionaire. Could have spent $10k getting his roof repaired; took 6 weeks to do it

Except that they are, to a lot of people.

Regretfully, this is only learned through experience. Almost every man of a certain age has made the mistake of assuming, if not necessarily verbalizing, that a woman who wasn't pregnant was. It is not something, at least in my experience, that is mean-spirited; the opposite, in fact.

Not really, man. The fact that he was convicted and then was able to pay his victim off in order to avoid having his conviction held up on appeal does matter to the conversation. Despite your histrionics, it is a confirmation that Hardy is a garbage human being, not some unimportant tangent.

But then again, you also haven’t built a company large enough to sustain such a loss. He’s a good example of the fragility of achievement.

C’mon. Pink handcuffs are pretty fucking funny; cops do occasionally arrest a violent asshole who may also be homophobic or abusive to women or both. Pink handcuffs are just the gear for such individuals.

I have news for you...most college students are children. Socially, temperamentally, experientially, you name it. Oh, and most of them are alternately or simultaneously broke, drunk, and hungry. So, calling mac and cheese a “kid’s snack”, isn’t really the insult you intended.

Never in a million fucking years. Parenting is stressful enough without worrying about meeting the expectations of others, particularly if everyone is in the same boat. Like I’m gonna worry about comparing how I teach my two year old how to converse to your method...I’m worried about trying to reinforce good behavior

Good article, but I think the Simmons bashing is getting a bit old. That he was able to recruit and retain the writing talent he did says something about his abilities and his vision. He was also able to push ESPN to overspend and deviate from its primary mission; Grantland may have ostensibly been a sports site, but

There are those people who can’t set any boundries with regard to phone immersion; the people who never, ever shut off. There’s a difference between multi-tasking or taking a little “me” time, and answering work email or texting throughout a dinner party.

“Come from behind”, clearly means something different in Texas.

And, now you have Rex Ryan. Get some scissors and shopping bags, dude.

I think you just described the Orioles, except you got the plural wrong.