
This show and its Bachelor analogue are where America’s intellects have gone to die. I call Mrs Jays bedroom TV (I haven’t touched that remote in half a decade) “Kevorkian” because she engages with it to kill her mind.

Where the fuck is Kenny Chesney? That dude has people for whom he must be held to account.

Get interviewed, give someone else editorial control over your comments, then see how smart you sound. Nobody articulates perfectly, well intentioned or not.

So what? She’s English and she’s rich. I’m not sure how that invalidates her statements, which pretty much outline what we hope society does regarding sexuality.

Except they weren’t always rich or entitled. Good at football, maybe, but that's a different kettle of fish.

I’m not defending racism or racists, but I think that smaller people who have been overpowered by larger people are just fine using the word “giant”, to describe the larger person. Similarly, “unarmed” is not the same as, “undangerous”. An unarmed person can inflict terrible injury on another person, particularly a

I’m pretty sure that “Brooklyn” and “’60’s wedding theme” are pretty good indicators of her location. Lower intestine at least, after you consider the ad copy.

And the fact that we have major league baseball and no one goes and the fact that people actually give a shit about UW football. UW football fans are deluded jock-sniffers with too much money. BTW, I moved here from a legit East Coast 5 sport city. I want Seattle to stop it with the “everybody wear a jersey or a scarf

...And they would get their asses handed to them by every single EPL team. MSL in Seattle is a fucking social event.

No, they’re pretending. Most of the (stuff) they do here didn’t exist until the team did, which was 2008. They selected their name by an online poll. They have fan, oh, excuse me, “supporter” groups that are great examples of self-parody. Seattle and the other cities have periodically had teams, it’s true, whenever

Been in Seattle for a while. The Sounders may be an old team by US standards, but the contrived bullshit of their fan base is brutal, as is the MLS product. I’m glad soccer is starting to happen in the US, but man, is it really more fun when everybody pretends they have “tradition” and are “so proud of our side”?

There’s a real juxtaposition between then naive comments of many current and former employees and the reality of both the performance of the company (which, according to the article, is doing well) and what occurs when small companies become large enterprises that must produce ROI for funders.

Man, you gotta get to Canada more. Sanctimonious is only half of it.

People get squicked out about all kinds of stuff. You kind of can't demand that they don't, it's how their brains work. I'm sure something freaks you out.

I will never demand to be permitted to personally examine the evidence. In fact, I'm perfectly willing to view it from a safe 12 inches or so. As a parent, you grow immune to baby pee; you develop no such condition where your spouse is concerned. Unless, you know, it's a thing for you two, in which case, kiss that one

Well, lots of people are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Or, they’re so dedicated to the idea that government shouldn’t be involved in people’s lives that they can only identify with that aspect of extreme Republicanism. We have two parties (if we’re going to be honest) and neither is a one size fits all.

Solo’s nephew is what? 6’7”, 290? And, he broke a broom handle on her. I’m not saying she didn’t precipitate things, but a little perspective is helpful.

Yep. He’s English.

Except that sexism, like racism has no reverse. People of color can make racist remarks about Caucasians or other ethnicities. Women can make sexist remarks about men.

I had a tri-color cardigan (has a tail, way cooler than those no-tail Pembrokes). Coolest dog in the universe. Fast as shit. Good with the fetching. Great with kids. Did no harm to the kitten who showed up one day, actually taught the kitten to dog. A cool hound. And, if some of the puppies in our neighborhood were