
I think there’s a difference between being a critic and wishing for a different story. I think Martin’s expositions of his various themes are fantastic. Setting aside the dragons and the magic, it’s pretty easy to make comparisons to the wars that plagued Europe for centuries AND the overarching influence of the

C’mon, dude. There are huge themes. The corrupting influence of religion. The corruption OF religion. Haves. Have nots. Man’s inhumanity to man (pretty much the oldest one in the book). Redemption. Honor. Entitlement. Realpolitik. The cruelty of war. The “strong man” theory of governing diverse ethnicities (a la

You can get one, you just can’t demand one. If the artist doesn’t want to do it, find one who will.

Not true. If the employee is readily identifiable, you can still be deemed to have committed a violation.

I’ve got to say, I was a bouncer for a long, long time. No one should assume that drunk, belligerent women are easy to handle, especially when they’re trying to punch you...aside of that, she peed on the floor, he tried to arm bar her, she slipped and went with the momentum. Sometimes, that’s the way shit goes. It

Suppose the guy patronized 12 different protitutes. Cheating, yes. Does the wife have a case against all of them? NFW.

As a recent transplant to the PNW, and one who regularly marvels at the overwhelming whiteness of the place, I’m not blown away by her (until now) pretty successful subterfuge.

So, you’ve never been to a black-tie wedding? You know, the kind where people can’t wear whatever they want?

Seeing as the story is first and foremost about their characters, wouldn’t even exist without their story, it’s kind of hard to complain. The white lady had to write the book, no?

I'm sure this will bother the VW hallelujah chorus, but I have had five (5. Because I'm a slow learner) and each one transformed into an utter piece of shit at 36 months and 1 day. Never again. Ever.

Yeah, it’s approx $122,500. Fuck that. Go buy 4 Miatas for the family and put that down payment on the lake house with the balance.

Too, too often, I think people fail to understand how disability leaves work vs. Maternity leaves. Pregnancy isn’t automatically disabling, nor is the post-pregnancy period. Personally, I think that CA employees, at least those with a year in, enjoy pretty good protections.

That’s ridiculous. Charlie Pride was ripped for doing “white” country music. People constantly say that Darius Rucker is exploiting white country music. Point is, the people who said/are saying those things have excoriated. Rap can’t be just “black” music. It’s been exported all over the world, including to countries

She’s in for a lot of disappointment in life if she expects unequivocal support for her choices. It’s an astounding statement to make, really. None of us get to demand affirmation, particularly not for something so overtly exploitive. She, in one comment, managed to personify the criticisms most frequently leveled at

It's one thing to process feelings. It's another to make an unsubstantiated legal complaint. The first is understandable, the second is horseshit.

Actually, you’re wrong, a little. FUC was pursuing a title IX complaint, which requires more evidence than supposition. If you want a process to have legitimacy, to be an effective tool, then you don’t say things like, “...a bunch of rugby players sang some 100 year-old songs, so we tried get the team banned, got

So, you’re conflating two utterly unrelated things? If you want to, you can extrapolate and blame every incidence of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on misogyny. However, no research bears that out. Women are capable of being abusers, have mental health issues that manifest in violence, develop drug problems, provoke

If you listen hard enough, you can identify the source music on almost every hip-hop song, no matter how short or distorted the sample. Save for the rare act that actually composes it's own music (assembling samples or beats from other artists isn't composition), they're all biters. I love hip-hop, but that's the

Whatever. Adrian Peterson put his 4 year old in the hospital.

Get a Timbuk2 diaper bag. Guys it up a little. Also, consider treating every departure from the house like a wilderness hike. Bring the, water, first aid kit, extra clothes, tissues, wetnaps, phone, swiss army knife. My buddy, no kidding, has worked out a system where he puts a tile locator on each