Three Green Kashira

when chewbacca took out a storm trooper guarding the shield generator with a long shot on Endor in Jedi, my 5 year old self shouted GREAT SHOT CHEWIE! in a crowded movie theater. my older brother has never let me forget this.

paraphrasing Robert Pollard, "every band named after a place sucks"

i am assuming The Trip wasn't eligible due to its small screen series to big screen movie edits?

Melisandre told Arya "they'd meet again", so depending how much validity you put in her ability to spout prophecy she might be safe until that happens.

recently fell back in love with Back To Gray, but really, there is no wrong answer here. And St Rosa is also so so right.

apologies for bumping a 2 yr old comment, but i just watched this serial yesterday. the depth of characters in this one is pretty amazing, so much so that it bucks the usual "economy of storytelling" trope. there's a guard working for Salamander who seemingly fancies Astrid and out of nowhere asks her out on a wine


just read this morning that Jodhi May is in the upcoming Game of Thrones season

yeah - i'm only familiar with Dr Steve Brule from "Check It Out!" youtube clips - most of the crowd laughter in this clip was completely lost on me.

how popular would Jay Baruchel be if he had Justin Long's agent?

i started watching Doctor Who from the very beginning over the summer, and plan on getting caught up to present day at some point (hopefully) before i'm gone from this world. i'm currently only in the 2nd season, it's pretty slow-going.

Keep. It. Together. KeepItTogetherKeepItTogetherKeepItTogetherKeepItTogetherKeepItTogether

whoa, looks like they totally do. thanks good sir! sorry, gf and previous thursday night plans!

anyone know if seasons 2 & 3 are available for streaming anywhere w/o having to purchase individual eps through itunes/amazon?
i didn't start watching s1 til it was available on Amazon Prime, and missed 2 & 3 while they were airing. it's not available to watch through my cable package, which is kinda odd.

There was a Mike Ness (solo, w/ band; not Social Distortion) show at Chicago's HOB in the mid- or early-aughts where the man next to me on the floor threw a half-full beer can that hit Mike in the shoulder.  That Mike stopped the show to confront "whoever the F threw that" was fairly amazing since even down to the

There was a Mike Ness (solo, w/ band; not Social Distortion) show at Chicago's HOB in the mid- or early-aughts where the man next to me on the floor threw a half-full beer can that hit Mike in the shoulder.  That Mike stopped the show to confront "whoever the F threw that" was fairly amazing since even down to the