Three Dancing Matthews

So late to the party here, but since I just watched this two days ago, here goes…

I haven't! I still think of Menzies as "Brutus from Rome" instead of "rapist from Outlander".

The other ship in the expedition was, no joke, called Erebus, which I mistakenly remembered as a river in Hell. Wikipedia tells me it's actually a primordial deity who is the personification of darkness, or alternately, a region in the underworld. The Royal Navy was either metal as fuck or just ridiculously,

For whatever reason Girls is also a bridge too far for me on the "everyone's an enormous asshole!" thing. I can't quite explain what pushes Girls over the limit, especially since Ali could basically be a character on Girls.

Every main character on Transparent is an enormous asshole, and what I like most about the show is how deeply it delves into how self-involved they are, how they treat everyone around them terribly, and how generally awful they are as a parent/child/sibling/friend/romantic partner. I love it but I get that it's not

One of my favorite beats from this season is that Colton, at age 17? 18?, is already too mature for Josh's bullshit. That just in the few months between S2 and S3, he's grown up enough to completely see through Josh and his "yo, dawg" posturing.

I mostly stick to r/personalfinance, which has great, clear-headed financial advice. Non-controversial stuff like "pay all your credit card bills in full, on time, every month", "never cosign a loan", and "take a look at the fees your 401k provider is charging you". It's a great community which has genuinely helped

I'm angry at the Facebook robots for not recognizing my Simpsons superfan bona fides. Jerky Facebook jerks- I'm so much more than just "Smartphone Owner" and "Wifi Connection" and "Technology Late Adapter" and "Soup" and (most bewilderingly) "Sovereign State".

Oh god.

No way, man- it's all about the governess and her Victorian repression and psychosexual issues.

Or as creepy as the little girl. Or an actress as creepy as the dead governess. Or an actor as creepy and menacing as the dead valet. Or a song as chilling as O Willow Waly. Or a writer as good as Truman Capote, etc, etc, etc…. Rose Leslie seems fine, but it's hard to beat Deborah Kerr.

Dan Harmon May Be Terrible At Adult Relationships; News at 10

The characters who are fighting are pudgy, middle aged rich guys. They're out of shape and neither has been in a fistfight in 20 years, if ever. It should look awkward, and fumbling, and clumsy. There should be weird, ineffectual grappling and missed punches- that's the point.

Not to mention, this fight may even be Wilkinson baiting Giamatti, to make sure that he'll do anything and everything to beat Burkett & Randle. This is the trap being set, by Wilkinson.

And SPOILERS- his overall dominance in the movie.

She wasn't freed by the sisters, but it's 1864, and they're living in an unpopulated, lawless anarchy. If she decided to leave one morning, the sisters wouldn't be able to stop her. I thought one of the strengths of the movie was the relationship between her and the sisters: they're not really friends, and clearly

Wait… are you only agreeing with me because you're Evil Lincoln, the guy who signed the Emancipation Retraction?!

Rather than posting this in response to every other comment: See the movie before you assume this is yet another "South: good, North: bad" movie. I saw this at a film festival and really enjoyed it, and I think the review missed the point if that's all they took from it.

See the movie before you assume the review is accurate. One of the heroes is a freed slave FFS, who has her own post-war plans and whose fiancee (the nicest guy in the movie by far) is fighting for the Union. This isn't a movie about North v. South- it's a movie about trying to survive when totally anarchy reigns.

Guys- see the movie before you agree with the review. I'm a woman, and a Northerner, and someone who is sick to death of Lost Cause bullshit, and I really enjoyed this movie. I don't think it portrayed Union soldiers as a whole as evil rapists, and I don't think it portrayed Southerners as blameless victims. I