Three Dancing Matthews

I saw this movie at a film festival and really enjoyed it, and I disagree with most of this review. To be fair to the movie, the slave [who, it's strongly implied, is now free] has a fiance who fights for the Union. I took this less as a movie about evil Northerners, threatening fragile Southern womanhood, and more

Seriously- flying a helicopter up so high that the atmosphere isn't reliably thick enough to keep a helicopter flying. In my book that's much more heroic than "I'm going to do this dangerous thing because it's dangerous… OH NO! I'M IN DANGER SOMEHOW! HELP!"

DAMMIT, JOHN! Think of Susan, and the kids! THEY NEED YOU!

I enjoyed reading Into Thin Air, but Krakauer made it sound like most of the challenge of climbing Everest is just walking in a straight line while oxygen deprived- when you have foggy judgment, a migraine, and every cell in your body is screaming for breathable air.

Grew up in NH, college in MA.

Ugh- sadly we're talking about a long list of movies.

Especially since her whole arc in the movie was "Stop trying to bond with me and focus on this mission!"

Do nothing with her except have her inexplicably be the romantic interest in the last 60 seconds of the film.

Dude, get an electric toothbrush. It's magic.

You have a good point- Travolta's gay affairs, photos, stories, rumors, etc are all over the place. I don't think I've ever heard anything specific on Tom Cruise, except for Bronson Pinochet's Random Roles interview. Given how long he's been in the public eye, that would be a PR miracle if he were actually gay.

Larson has some frustrating writerly affectations, like the way it takes him pages (chapters?) to tell us that the designer of this new-fangled wonderment is named… FERRIS!

Disneyland, Universal Studios, etc stole their audience. Would you rather see a pavilion with a reconstructed Ecudorean village or RIDE SPACE MOUNTAIN?!

Martha Dodd was so incredibly irritating ("Wow, that psychopath looks so dreamy in his uniform!") that I couldn't finish the book. That said, there didn't seem to be that many insights: Nazi Germany was a fucked up place full of random violence; American WASPs of that era were antisemites; like the rest of America,

This. She's also so clinically depressed that one of her kids wets her bed and Patty can't work up the energy to change the sheets, so the kid just spends the week sleeping in urine. She's not a hero- she's a woman who is basically drowning and taking her kids with her, and who refuses to take any of the life vests

Jade is one of my all time favorite ANTMers, and I love Joanie's "Whenever she's nearby, all I can smell is bitch." I also gave up on ANTM ages ago, but those first 10-11 seasons are gold.

More good things that came out of ANTM:

Stop taking credit for things the Alamo Drafthouse did, Internet!

They're shooting in Boston and an old woman was killed near the set, and crew members helped apprehend the suspect. Thanks, local news teasers every fucking 5 minutes during Hannibal last night!

Unless Lolly busts in with the glass shard- we know she noticed "toothpick".

She's crazy but channels it all into hyper-focused vigilance.