
There was definitely a Captain Janeway element to that plan:

That's in no small part because the heroes' competence is at -9 and bleeding.

No, the AR-15 isn't good for home defense, specifically because two of the three things you mention are incorrect. An AR-15 does not have a low penetration round. In point of fact, the AR-15 has tremendous penetrating power. In Vietnam, their tests with the South Vietnamese repeatedly cited that the AR-15 would blow

The right answer is that if you actually believe that, you don't know the first thing about hunting. I've been around many hunters in my life; most of my family and friends hunted both for sport and for sustenance. And they would all use single shot, bolt-action rifles. A bolt-action requires some skill and training

I think I'd take that bet. They are down to one last direwolf, and someone has to be sacrificed to the Show Budget God. If actors were chickens, that Lovecraftian monstrosity has a hunger that is downright Cleganian.

*Checks internet*

That's Margaery, not Missandei. Look, I know this is the newbie thread, but you have to keep up on which Game of Thrones actress is being objectified this week and which isn't. I mean, the HBO CEO of Tits' entire work week is just for this one job, man. Try and respect his efforts.

I guess that's a fair take, but really both Sansa and Jon got steamrolled twice, first by a 10-year old with more presence than the both of them put together, and then by their own bannerman. Sansa's still learning the whole leadership thing. I get that. Jon is a man who follows his father in being more about deeds

Actually, book readers were spoiled to that pretty early. Way back in the first book, there's a passage where Bran has a prophetic dream about a man with a dog's head fighting a giant with a helm that had nothing in it. It . . . was not hard to imagine what that might mean even then, though of course the context was

You sure about that? Stannis began his revolt way back in Season 2 by sending ravens to every lord in Westeros saying "Ned Stark was executed because he discovered that Joffrey was Jaime and Cersei's illegitimate child. If Robert's children aren't Robert's children, then I am his heir and the Iron Throne is mine by

I'd settle for Jon not getting de-balled again. I don't know if it's just that the writers don't trust Harrington's acting ability, but they are happy to give Dany so many big thrilling speeches that the audience is collectively rolling its eyes and saying "Dude, we're onboard. You don't need to keep selling us."

I would say very likely not, and only in case the writers have decided to entirely toss the political intrigue of the show out the window. Tommen is currently the last Baratheon. If he dies, then there is no clear heir apparent, and the only certain thing is that whomever comes out on top after the resulting Civil War

I don't know that she's gay or straight, so much as Ironborn. I'm pretty sure Ironborn sexuality can be summed up as: "Screw anything not nailed down. Unless you're desperate, in which case screw it before you burn it because it's nailed down. If you're in a good mood, get its consent before you screw it." There isn't

What I find fascinating is exactly why everyone is so dead set on having Lady Stoneheart. For me, that was the moment when the book jumped the rails, not some revelation. From a structural, narrative perspective, I just do not see what she adds.

Post deleted

Oh most definitely. Margaery is a testament to why you should never use charisma as your dump stat in this world, but it's only by the blessed fortune of the Mother for Shaky McButterfingers Tyrell that her grandmother has no dump stats at all.

Qualified disagreement. I think you're absolutely right about the fact that Margaery is trying to make a show of piety in an attempt to get her power back and protect her brother, but I see no evidence that this is part of some longer game. To me, this looks like straight-up improvisation based on what little she's

V - P = T?

Not only was he not in on it, the not-so-subtle implication was that he was marked by the High Sparrow. So long as Tommen has no heir, he's the last Baratheon and indispensable to the Faith's continued bid for power. If he dies now, the line of succession gets murkier than a puddle in Flea Bottom, with no guarantee

There are worse things in this world. You could be someone who gives up on the gravy, and then where would we be?