
Uncle, IIRC. Jorah is Maege Mormont's younger brother. Maege has only been seen once, as that middle-aged she-bear laughing in Season One when they were talking about making Robb King in the North. I guess show Maege got offed offscreen in the Red Wedding. It's hard to be sure.

Tommen's killing capacity might actually go up if Ser Pounce warged into his mind. Even kittens can be little rampaging murderhobos when their instincts take over. Poor Tommen, by contrast, just has no mean bones in his body, which is terrible for this situation. It's like charging Elmo with the defense of Carthage at


"Say what you will about the tenets of the Greater Mongolian Khanate; at least it was an ethos, man."

*Drunken Superman looks on in horror as Gendry pull into the harbor next week*

The castellan for House Mormont is a child. Maege, however, is not. Maege is Jeor Mormont's younger sister. Or Jorah Mormont's aunt. Six of one, half-dozen of the other.

. . .Where did I say anything about Jaime Lannister? Rule #1 about arguing is that if you're arguing against your own invention rather than what I actually said, you're doing it wrong.

The only way in which Margaery and Loras deserved to be "purified" is through the implication that if Loras were both gay and a commoner, he would have come to a Very Bad End. But what that really means is that while the High Sparrow is all about equality in the eyes of the Seven for smallfolk and highborn alike, it

He really would have gotten away if it weren't for those miserable kids. . .

$50 on Podrick, under Tormund's tutelage, bringing Maege and Dacey Mormont into the Stark army in his own special way.

Admittedly, I focus more on script and character beats than on visuals, so the Hold the Door closing hit me like a ton of bricks. But that being said, I do get what Gus is saying about how small visual cues or slight alterations to the script would have really contributed to figuring out what was going on.

Eh, I think it's just that the stories the First Men wanted to remember of the Children were as a race of quiet, benevolent elves. So they fudged their history where necessary, including separating the Dawn Age and the Age of Heroes where really there was just one large scrum as the First Men moved northwards.

In fairness to Bran, it was terrible Royal Smart Person etiquette for Brynden not to point out that the Night King could nab you if you went gallivanting through the Astral Plane. As a Royal Smart Person in training, I learned when I was three years old that if your team has something on their backs that could cause

Honestly, I thought that scene showed just how flexible and adaptable Margaery is as a player in the Game. She clearly went in with one mission, that mission being to bang Tommen like a kraken on drums. But then she actually met him and saw that this was, unmistakably, a kid. Tommen was in. no. way. prepared for the

Littlefinger's gonna . . . finger.

Dollars to donuts, Bran shows it to Jon, somehow. Because it's really his story to discover.

. . .So that's what Willis was talking about.

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I hold the door. . ."

Wouldn't he have to, you know, actually learn how to fight first?

Ramsay is the Wesley Crusher of sadistic psychopaths. He wins because the writers are obviously in the tank for him, not because he's even remotely smart about his sociopathy. Executing the Warden of the North in front of a witness who could use it against you, when you are already despised and desperate for allies?