
Well, we do have some anecdotal evidence that his Constitution is off the charts, but that could have just been Margaery committing to the good wife part. . .

"Bear Island knows no Queen but the Queen in the North, whose name is Stark."

Well, technically, Existential Jon Snow now knows Nothingness, given what lies after death in this universe. . .

You might even call it a screaming tower of joy. . .

Possibly off-topic, but man has teleportation really sprung up as a problem in this series. It was bad enough when Brienne watched Sansa go through Moat Callain, turn to Pod and say, "We'll go around." I was like . . . Go around? The whole point of Moat Callain is that you can't go around.

They're called trilbys!

And the repeated subsequent reappearances and disappearances of Needle.

Beric Dondarrion is the Miles Edward O'Brien of Westeros: the plain-spoken, unpretentious, hardworking everyman who gets killed once a season because the writers love to see him suffer.

Well, to be entirely fair, Trump isn't so much incestuous as so misogynistic that he sincerely believes that the only possible value a woman can have is being sexually attractive. Hence the awkward way he looks at his daughters and essentially says, "Yeah, I'd hit that."

In fairness to your mom, The First Avenger is ninety minutes of one of the best romantic comedies in the last decade, with a half hour of Wolfenstein-3D cutscenes awkwardly bolted onto the end.

Then you'll be all ready for the shock when Tony and Steve stop fighting because they both realize their mother's name was Sarah.

It might be tolerable if he didn't keep surviving one towering moment of idiocy after another. This is supposed to be show where the high point is political intrigue. Okay, so you flat out murder Roose Bolton, Warden of the North and his wife and his child. And your plan to prevent your men from murdering you in your

Somewhere out there, there's an alternate universe where Supergirl is the poor harried assistant for J.K. Simmons' J. Jonah Jameson. Crossover be damned, it's flawless casting vs. flawless casting.

Lampshade Hanging is the act of dealing with a ridiculous plot contrivance by merely calling attention to the ridiculousness or improbability of what is going on and then proceeding with the plot anyway. Hence, you're hanging a lampshade on the plot contrivance.

Well, I'm going to take the opportunity afforded by this last meeting to do something Zach has been told never to do: offer a possible fix for the script. My thought was that there were two big problems with this episode, and they were the same one's that Zach noticed: the ending of the Pah Wraith arc was tacked

I'm of the same opinion about "The Illusion of Truth" myself, although I am . . . more sympathetic about it than you are. I agree completely with you and Rowan that the episode is deeply, unpleasantly didactic in its message. "Propaganda is evul!!!", as morals go, is Saturday-morning cartoon level sophisticated, and

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: First Contact should have been a DS9/TNG teamup. If you doubt me, imagine if it had been Sisko that gave Picard the I-lost-my-damn-wife-and-yet-I-can-still-do-my-damn-job speech, and that had sparked Picard's "the line must be drawn HERE!" speech.

It's been ten minutes, and I still can't stop chortling at the idea of someone pranking Odo by pooping in his bucket.

Spoiler free note for Mr. Handlen: you think you realize that Garak is both the best and scariest ally you could have? You have no idea, Mr. Handlen. No idea.

I had a massive infestation of centipedes in my old house. I waged war on them until I realized two things. One, the two-inch buggers I was going for hardest took almost a year to grow to that size.