
Entirely depends on the game.. I know, that's such a HORRIBLE cop out, but it is valid point.
Realistic/Semi-Realistic (pretending to be real but still fun)? Then obviously yes...
Insane vertical movement is a core gameplay feature? Then it leans more towards no..
Games with different gravity types are my

I have zero idea how they are coming up with these prices.. But I did some quick comparisons.. I snagged 5 random games off the list and compared their outright purchase prices at Gamestop (Pre-owned) to the "90 day rental" prices offered on PSNow. Hilarity and disgust ensues:

Alone in the Dark: Inferno (literally the

Holding a bachelor's in game design, I have been a level designer, a UI designer, an AI designer, QA tester and UX designer.. All for different studios and different projects. I'm 28 and I have uprooted 4 times in the last 5 years. This industry is volatile. Period. My advice to any future/current/aspiring industry