
It's actually from all the excessive masturbation.

The version that you normally get here is "Cheer up, love, it might never happen!" (it doesn't sound quite the same as "your face it pretty when you smile" but it always seemed to mean the same thing).

Its time for the moderate whites to start taking some responsibility.

Why can't the white community control their inbred bigots?

Aaaaaaaw yeaaaah...

Sure, when RBG is tipsy at a work function, she's "living her best life," but when I do it, I'm "on my second strike."

There will never be a post about notorious RBG where this picture is not appropriate.

Tenth grade is actually pretty advanced. The average American's reading comprehension is closer to the 7th grade level, which is the target technical writers are generally told to shoot for.

While Congress is still whiter than a square dance,

4 Miller Lites? You just did 2 hrs on the Elliptical, haven't you suffered enough?

I just love her.

This is unrelated but in Meryl Streep's blurb she says, "The movie that makes me cry is Anchorman. I have the biggest crush on Will Ferrell. I love him in every film he does. I mean, Ryan Gosling could be my child. I'm not going to have a crush on a child. Will Ferrell is a man."

i feel so uncool. is that brands of weed? is brad my bae? should we snapperchatbookblr?

Unfortunately, Barris' argument banks on the fact that Cosby could possibly be innocent.

These guys are just nuts, there is no reason for them to be so teste.

"Men have a high center of gravity, broad shoulders, and narrow hips. Because of this we'll tip over if we sit with our legs together," another man wrote in, what appears to be, all seriousness."

This is the best How I Work I've read yet. As a 22 year old and very recent college graduate, I think the advice to (insert activity here) "that would make me the most different person from who I (am) at the time" is terrifying but apt.

I have a theory. The better you are at cooking, the messier you are. Or at least thats what I tell myself.

...and noted Veela Gwyneth Paltrow