
Have you read “Digital Apollo” ? It’s an account of the engineering challenges, decisions, steps and mis-steps that went into designing the Apollo guidance computers used in the CM and the LM. Fascinating technical reading.

Darlene threw the party to get lots and lots of fingerprints in their headquarters, so that if anyone ever connect that space to the fsociety, they won’t be found.

I feel like another Richard K. Morgan book deserves honorable mention here, namely Altered Carbon. As much as I would LOVE to see a film version (and I believe it was actually optioned a few years ago?) I can’t imagine audiences being able to handle body-hopping core characters, and that’s so central to the storyline.

You’re all wrong. You’re all wrong!

If you ask some of my movie-watching friends, Spielberg adapting Ready Player One is like Terrence Malick directing a Pewdiepie movie.

The audio book was awesome! Matt cannot do him the way he was just done by RC

Certainly. John J. Robinson is very readable, and although some of his assertions have been questions since the book was published in 1992, “Dungeon, Fire and Sword” (…) contains quite a bit of information.

Felicia Day, yay.

Because more slow burn was exactly what we were all asking for.

Honestly, he was the best part.

From the preview it looks like Ruben Blades’ character will be introduced next week, so my hopes are high.

No, it doesn’t suck. I would have been perfectly content to not see a walker for the first 2 or 3 episodes. The focus here is supposed to be the breakdown of society. In TWD we are thrown into things in media res, and that was the right choice for show they had no idea was going to make it.

I wouldn’t actually start with this book. Start with Old Man’s War.

I will inevitably end up watching this and probably enjoying it, but the clever people who make horror movies need to start learning the difference between self-consciousness and self-reference. Things like Scream and Cabin in the Woods manage to pivot between good scares and good gags, but most of the pleasure in

“I think I’m pretty f***ing far from okay.”

I’m wondering if there isn’t another twist coming. Specifically, we saw Elliot and Darlene celebrating (the night of the awkward kiss), alone (yes, Elliot/Mr. Robot had alienated everyone else by this point, but DID HE REALLY?). And we saw Elliot take Tyrell to the arcade, and it looked cleaner and (in the view we got

Mr. Robot is a dissociative personality of Elliot’s.

And the best part: the over acting is on purpose!