William Ross

They were a bit… bity.


It is terrific. Shockingly good and simple, at times bold and strange, frequently magical and always able to command your belief. I didn't find it bleak or downbeat either, but perhaps I have a high threshold for that kind of thing.

live transmission
It's a very good film, this, and doesn't deserve to be overshadowed by Control. I watched it in the cinema in Ambleside last week, which is about as far from Salford as you can get, and I don't think I blinked.

yes but
what's the start to crate?

Don't Look Now
It's a bit tenuous - December 1973 in New York, 1974 in most of Europe - but still the very pinnacle of English melodrama and worth sneaking in for so many reasons. The bleached out bereavement Venice, the misty darkness of hope, the crazy old prophet ladies. The sex.