
They're DC superheroes, so any minute now the universe will be rebooted and those shows will never have been canceled in the first place.

Venture Bros already has a sixth season coming.

Gumball is produced by Cartoon Network Europe, so it's got a different group of people handling its renewal. Stateside CN can't talk about giving that show new seasons since it's not actually up to them.

Not even five minutes? You appear to have the attention span of a weed smoker. THE IRONING IS DELICIOUS.

That was how I read it too. Look at the photo of Marty; his teeth look normal and he has fewer lines on his face. Greg's an unreliable narrator, so he made Marty into more of a jerk (and also uglier) than he actually was, just like he made his Comet song include magical space visuals and giant flying CD's

Actually I thought this episode did a fine job of subverting the "I'm immortal so we can't be together" genre cliché. First because Greg refuses to give a damn about it, when a lesser show would have turned it into a major source of conflict, and by conflict I mean angst and whining. Greg just refuses to buy into that

None exist, at least none worth talking about. The difference is that some of them realize that they shouldn't be punching down and grow as performers, trying their best not to turn people who society already looks down on into punchlines. Those are the George Carlins, the Jon Stewarts; the masters.

-rich famous comedian in 2015

Yeah, I know I'm biased because Pearl is my fave, but this was my favorite episode so far. There were volumes packed into every line of dialog and even every gesture, Pearl's feelings for Rose hit home in a very powerful way, and it probably reinforced better than ever before that Steven's ultimate weapon is

Sure, we all know Egon liked to consolt Tobin's Spirit Guide, but who WAS Tobin? How did he know so much about spirits? Can we make an entire prequel trilogy about him? Yes.

I think I'm okay with having my "bullshit debates" if the alternative is jumping through hoops to win the approval of barely-literate Fox News zombies.

I hear Sony just made a deal with Disney to allow them to use Film Hitler in the Avengers movies.

I always like how this incredibly generic argument reveals the exact reason we need more diverse casting. Some Internet Comedy Genius always goes "well why don't we just cast a black trans gay person then?" because he's so used to wall-to-wall white people in his movies that it never crosses your mind that black trans

Or maybe Linklater could have made the one non-white character into something other than a Grateful Minority stereotype. It's not like it would have been hard.

There is zero indication in that scene that she was "just a spark, one of many." This guy is given no backstory, no relationships, no life at all beyond fixing a septic tank and later managing a restaurant. The way he talks to her, it certainly seems like all his success is due to one comment Arquette made years

Oh crap, did another Master of Sixth Grade Sarcasm escape from Reddit again? I thought we had them contained.

Yeah, the only reason any Latino has ever gone to school is because a white lady descended from her golden throne to tell him he was kind of smart.

Oh sure, but it seems weird that ONE passing comment from a disinterested lady he barely knew just magically turned this guy's life around. I think that's why it crosses into white savior territory, it's got this ridiculous veneer of "your opinion is more important than anyone else's" going on.

I heard they were going to shut the place down because the manager was convinced the food sucked, but then this random white lady said the food was pretty good, and he was so inspired that he opened six new locations and became a senator.

That sounds more like your problem than the word's problem.