
When the movie of this whole sordid affair gets made into a movie (working title: This Whole Sordid Affair), I propose that Bradley Whitford play David Pecker.

Her name. But yes, if a screenwriter included a whistleblower of a reality show president with that name the script would be covered in red notes about how unbelievable it was.

The chronology of his tweets of least suggests a person who is not sleeping much. All the articulate tweets (i.e., in faked 45 verbiage, written by interns) are during normal business hours.

No honor among thieves.

I can’t find any reputable sources, but here are the alleged texts from his daughter that Wikileaks obtained but could not verify.

His 11pm Big Mac and Diet Coke kicked in.  

Is Hawaii not good enough for prayers?  


I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those personas called in Hannity’s show tonight. It’s pretty fucked up when your “only” friends are Sean and the cast of Fox&Friends.

Trump tweeted WITCH HUNT at 1:30 am.

Remember when Bill Clinton got impeached for telling one lie about one woman? Ah, the good old days, when we had a system of law and order in America.

Anyone see those texts from Manafort’s daughter about him coercing his wife into group sex for years? As if working for murderous dictators wasn’t enough

Yikes! I’ve been to these falls at least twice, once pre-instagram, about 10 years ago, and then another time 5 years ago, and it is indeed a HELLA dangerous hike near the falls, and I am an experienced hiker. Exremely narrow, steep passages with sliding rocky ground that on even my first time there was full of

Yeah, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to!

I grew up around there and have been going up to the falls since I was about 6 or 7 and honestly, if you’re too stupid to know that wet rocks are slippery, then we should just let you die. Just make sure you take all your trash with you. Dumb people dying isn’t the problem, assholes leaving their garbage and ruining

I used to live in the backwoods of Colorado, and every year our area claimed a few idiots. It also claimed the occasional mountain man/woman. It was the most enraging when local Search and Rescue (volunteers) were forced to endanger their own lives to rescue those who didn’t take even the most basic precautions.

8 people since 1992?? Was instagram around in 1992? Or is instagram just an easy target? Not everything can be blamed on social media. 

Look, why even bother? Someone’s already taken the same shot:

I was at Kaaterskill Falls a few weeks ago on a weekend for the first time (I usually avoid it and a couple of the other more well-known trails on the weekends because they’re just too heavily-trafficked), and they had a ranger stationed at the pool at the upper falls. Just about every 3-4 minutes she had to stop