
Yeah, he’s the worst Chris, but far from the worst person. I think mostly he’s overexposed and people are sick of him. And also, I find Christianity talk cloying.

I feel like it goes in the order it wants to, I don’t have that much control over it sometimes

I don’t think anyone is saying he’s the worst person. Just the worst Chris.

Are there people who poop first? I never even thought of that as an option.

“He’s definitely the kind of guy who overuses the word ‘awesome’ to describe Jesus,” Stassa Edwards added.

This happened years ago, apparently. They only just recently figured it out. Happily, the mentor taught the guy part-time after...but his life has still been irrevocably changed.

WTF is with the sarcastic and facetious tone of this article? Reverse the genders and see if it would still be funny. This is why people make fun of Jezebel. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed.

Yeah, this is abusive not funny.

And this, ladies and gents, is why you never give ya fuckin’ passwords out to anyone.

I’m just gonna put it out there, Frida, but this isn’t one of your best articles.

For something this important, I would use the phone. I would not accept using email in this situation. Email is too easily faked.

That actually is what happened. The teacher asked him why he had rejected the scholarship years ago and he said he didn’t. That led them to the discovery of all the craziness. This particular piece of reporting is not a stellar example of journalism.

Based on the tone of this piece, this inattention to detail does not surprise me.

They were only together for 6 months at this point she is a manipulative sociopath thats all. This is not about love its about control.

I don’t know about colleges, but all jobs I applied for via email were exclusively answered via email even though they had my address. With my current job I’m lucky they also sent me an email because their letter with my invitation for an interview arrived a day after it had happened.

If I remember correctly, Colburn is one of those places that charges no tuition. Not sure if that’s still the case.

Trying to destroy someone’s career is not trolling, and finding enjoyment in her attempt makes you a bad person.


That’s not trolling, it’s cruel, psycho level deception and sabotage.
