
“why don’t women report their assaults?”

In my history of murder class I was JUST talking about “Missing White Girl Syndrome” yesterday, and now we have another example. I LIVE in Michigan and read the news and yet I had heard nothing about this woman’s murder. No way that would be true if she were white. News media coverage of murder constantly reinforces

If the law charged you with killing a minor who was set to testify you raped her, why the Hell would you get bail at any amount?

It would mean more if they had not already HAD him. Allowed Bail. Had him commit an even more heinous crime. And then ALLOWED BAIL AGAIN.

Edit: In what world is someone who potentially killed his accuser to avoid a rape conviction NOT a flight risk for a murder charge?

Teacher from her school here. Her rapist WORKED FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, a fact that makes me need to scream into a pillow with rage. My first day of education classes our professor warned us that no one with a felony would ever, EVER be able to work in schools. WHAT THE HELL. So disgraceful. Mujey was bright and kind

Kalamazoo was where her body was found: 45 miles away from where she lived. She reported the rape to Kentwood police in November 2017. Kentwood is a southeast suburb of Grand Rapids. I think your previous articles about her misreport her as being a Kalamazoo resident. Dumbuya never lived in Kalamazoo but James did.


I know the bail system needs a complete overhaul, but why is he even allowed bail the 2nd time around when he clearly can’t be trusted out in the world on bail?!?

My heart is so heavy. Men are terrifying. This girl did everything “right” by reporting this monster to the police and getting him arrested. That she died by his hand is just so...I have no words.

Wait, who the fuck is this judge who doesn’t give a shit about the lives of black girls and well-being of black families? Fucking set bail the first time, even after the family reported that the rapist threatened the victim’s life, then set bail AGAIN after the victim was murdered and he is charged with her murder. If

Today is cancelled. Going back to sleep. Can’t take anymore of this.

Fucking hell, world.

all wearing dresses not made of natural fibers (OMG!)

I keep picturing a wild Gwyneth Paltrow bachelorette party as one where everyone eats carbs and gluten.

I hate Andy Cohen. Don’t know if that’s a popular or unpopular opinion, but it’s in my soul and I must share it.

she is a national treasure.

My god, is Dolly Parton holding a BEDAZZLED SAXOPHONE?!? As if I couldn’t love her more than I already do!

It’s not just about this actor. What is the core of the joke? That Lea Michele is illiterate. Why is that funny? Because there’s no way a successful and talented person could be successful and talented and not be able to read and write. Surely there aren’t people like that in the real world, right? Not in the one in

But again, the question is why is it a joke? Because she’s a successful woman? Okay, then the joke is illiterate people couldn’t possibly be successful. It’s just a lazy, mean-spirited, and wholly unnecessary joke. And really, it’s not necessarily absurd or outlandish because this is a real issue that real people

But, why is funny? It’s funny because she’s clearly not illiterate, but it’s hilarious to think she’s illiterate because . . . illiteracy is funny?

What the damn hell is wrong with some people? “We didn’t mean to offend anyone, we just decided to be mean little shits to an actress for no reason.”