
There are about a thousand reasons to not watch or support the NFL... This is yet another one.

One small correction: Elio doesn’t lose his virginity with Oliver. He says he’s slept with women (“and desired men”) before that summer. Oliver is his first male lover, however.

One more reason to ignore the NFL and its lame entertainment product.

senior director of Saintsations, texted Davis, “Very poor judgement to post a picture like that especially considering our recent conversations about the rumors going around about u,” she wrote.

Wasn’t there also a big reveal on Jeze a while back of how little NFL cheerleaders are paid? Like a stipend that doesn’t even broach salary territory- I think most have day jobs. What a crock to have stipulations to this degree without even paying living wage.

I think my home team pays $50 a game, according to women I’ve known who tried out. They also have to travel up to 5 hours to attend home games, since some of them live nowhere near the city.

I would like to point out that at least one NFL team, The Green Bay Packers, do not have their own cheerleaders. For games, they invite a local college squad to cheer, and get this, one of those squads is co-ed. It is a very nice program for all involved.

As someone who comes from the competitive dance background that fosters the women that become NFL/NBA dancers and knowing women who have danced for the Colts, Pacers, and Bulls, all this bullshit is, well, bullshit, and entirely industry standard. That, and essentially allowing my body to be on display for public

This is some serious horseshit.

I read and liked the book though even then the age gap was, let’s just say, problematic to ME as an American, even understanding that in Italy and/or Europe a 17 year old involved in a sexual relationship with someone older isn’t considered that big of a deal, as the age of consent is lower than in (some parts) of the

Another thing that should be considered in all this is how ABSURDLY LOW NFL cheerleaders are paid, on top of these incredibly strict policies.

It also codifies victim blaming. If anything happens can a cheerleader comes forward about being sexually harassed or assaulted, they can point to the rule book and say it is 100% her fault because she was supposed to leave as soon as the player showed up.

So, to protect the cheerleaders from the players, they make rules of what the women can do on social media? These two things have NOTHING to do with each other. Republican, old, white dude policies detected.

NFL cheerleaders should unionize. They are paid next to nothing and subjected to outrageous rules.  

I don’t understand this either. So what if they socialize or date or hook up with a cheerleader? How is that different from hooking up with any random woman?

The cheerleaders should consider unionizing. Their contracts are beyond restrictive.

(That link is NSFW if your work is not down with you watching a dude fuck a peach.)

That was my problem with the movie. So much of it was just... nothing. It reminded me of an F. Scott Fitzgerald book. 70% rich people lounging, 25% scenes of the plot laying in suspension. 5% something actually happening.

I thought Chalamet passed as a 17 year old, but Hammer reads as way older than 24, and honestly even older than the 29/30 that he actually was when he filmed the movie. And that does have the net effect of casting the romance in a completely different light.

“35" hyperbolic to say the least. Armie is a bit weathered for his 31 years, but to me his version of Oliver still struck me as a guy in his mid 20s.