
Actual Dragonfire might do the trick though.

I agree. Very skin crawly- and that's not a Greyscale joke.

The three of them had the same mother.

Kneel, hold the baby up in the air Lion King style, lay it down, back away slowly while doing a thumbs up.

I also think she'll run to Arya. Arya is leaving the Twins and could be headed North while Mel is now forced to head South.

The cause of the unusually long seasons has some type of magical explanation. So maybe something about defeating the White Walkers will set it straight in the end.

She wouldn't kill a complete innocent though, would she? Isn't that why she couldn't go through with killing Lady Crane? It kind of goes against her code. Or maybe I'm just confusing her with Dexter.

Completely agree.

Secret marriage maybe

Yer a wizard, Varys.

Ben and Kent talked about hearing a rumor that Montez would be keeping someone from the staff. So at the end where they ask "where is Sue" that's letting us know she was the person picked to stay on. Which is perfect. Sue is the best.


The Tyrells or anyone else with an army could just sit and try to claim the throne as their own, no need to look around for a Baratheon.

I was on board with that theory and kept waiting for the reveal or at least SOME type of twist ending there.

Definitely think it's true. She'll kill the Waif = killing her "no one" persona. Then she can go back to being Arya full time.

Maybe when we, the audience, see the Waif we are seeing Arya's "No One" persona. So of course Jaqen can interact with her because she's just Arya trying so hard to be No One. When she appears as regular Arya to us that is the part of her that is holding on to being a Stark.

The Karstarks are now anti-Stark because Robb beheaded Lord Karstark after he killed Lannister prisoners without his permission. Afterwards the rest of the Karstarks abandoned Robb and their allegiance to him.

I thought of Kenneth right away too. Also loved the line "I saw a painting of Sue holding George Washington's horse".