
And that is just it right? These people think we all OWE them something. Probably because they’re too embarrassed to admit they are mostly a bunch of fuckup failures who immediately got married out of high school and got shit jobs and had a litter of children to boot. Self entitled assholes. Every single one of them.

I mean the photos of these people standing out there demanding that the state they live in re-open WHILE WEARING MASKS is too fucking much. I need a haircut whines one Karen. I want to play golf says a Tyler in his Polo jacket. My kids need to go to school and learn whines one opiate addicted shrill Karen. Fuck you

Funniest part of this? Most of the white folks engaging in the protests have very little white privilege to fight this hard for. Getting undeserved promotions at the manufacturing plant that’s being phased out ain’t what it used to be.

If all of these MAGA morons got it and died off, we would be lucky. Unfortunately, their childish antics are only going to keep the contagion going and they will end up infecting innocent people. We need to seriously consider what is to be done with the ignorant, “christian” minority that tends to be concentrated in

He can’t (won’t) write. He can’t (won’t) read.

“I don’t know, did I hold a rally?” Trump said, waving his arms in a brazen attempt at ducking reality. “I’m sorry, I hold a rally. Did I hold a rally?”

2 points:

I hope Yamiche Alcindor stays on Trump’s neck like a thyroid node. I hope Yamiche Alcindor stays on Trump’s neck like a bad tattoo. I hope Yamiche Alcindor stays on Trump’s neck like a melanoma he can’t see. I hope Yamiche Alcindor stays on Trump’s neck like that rash in The Outsider by Stephen King. I hope Yamiche

I love this woman.  She is amazing.  She is unflappable, and keeps confronting Trump with facts when he tries to spin things.  If all of the reporters at the White House briefings were as dogged, I’ll bet Trump would stop showing up for them.

I think that the networks owe it to America to stop airing anything from Trump, period. He’s just openly encouraging these ignorant louts to hit the streets in some form, with the help of the Kochs, DeVos and other bad actors.

Decades from now, I could see a group elementary students walking through the white house with a tour guide:

I don’t really see how this plays out...I mean they reopen the economy, more people get sick, overwhelm health system, are unable to work, make people not want to go out in public...economy takes another nose dive before the November election. I know we like to ascribe nefarious plots to types of things, but I was

In case you missed this yesterday, a couple of nurses emerged from a hospital in Denver to block a protest.



Just declare martial law and shoot those fuckers.

I'd settle for the impact of hitting those jackasses in the face with a brick.

I humbly submit to the court that Rosa Parks is the Rosa Parks of the modern era.

Shared from a friend of mine who possesses strong socialist beliefs:

There’s always been this glib adage going around, “There’s no cure for stupid.”