Thoughts and Grade

I rank it last because besides The Girl in the Fireplace, none of the episodes are amazing to me. A few are quite good, but not classics. And there's also quite a few bad episodes (Fear Her).

The Magician's Apprentice: A-
The Witch's Familiar: B+
Under the Lake: B-
Before the Flood: B
The Girl Who Died: A
The Woman Who Lived: A-
The Zygon Invasion: B-
The Zygon Inversion: A
Sleep No More: B-
Face the Raven: A-
Heaven Sent: A
Hell Bent: B+

My favorite episode of the season.

Clear, The Grove, and the Pilot are the best episodes.

Another strong episode. The scenes with Francis were intense. The Hannibal and Will scenes were great. It was also cool to see flashbacks that gave more context to scenes in previous seasons.

I was away when this aired, so I'm just now commenting. First off, this episode was as gorgeous of an episode of Hannibal as there has ever been. Beautiful, beautiful episode.
The tooth fairy is a scary new antagonist. I can't wait to see what happens over the next, and possibly last five episodes. This Red Dragon arc

There's a new grader in town.

I really dug this finale. A satisfying end to an amazing season.
A season review:

The review I've been waiting for. This episode wowed me. The moment I finished it, I knew I just watched the show's best episode yet. It was masterful.
I got chills during the scene of him on the boat with the theme song playing.
Nothing else I can say, this was great television.

Not much to say this week from me, but I did think it was another good episode.

Fight Club is a good and important movie.

Based on what went down in Mizumono, I think some gruesome action fits in this world. I don't know what the budget was, but maybe it was restricted, you could be right.
I'll admit I am a action guy, I like slower and more subtle stuff too, but if something can go really big, I want to see it go big. That's just me.

This episode was the big finale to the first arc of the season. I was really looking forward to it because of how strong the last few episodes have been. I must say I am a bit disappointed with this one however. It didn’t fully live up to my high expectations. I didn’t like not seeing Hannibal in action at any point,

Wow, what a fantastic last scene. Great episode.

I really liked being able to watch Rectify and Hannibal on the same day last week. I guess that's not happening again.

Wow, I didn't notice that about Tawney's hair.

Thoughts and Grade Review (#2)

Thoughts and Grade Review (#1)