
Also, as a white person, even without the consequences...just don’t do it because it’s a morally repugnant thing to do. The right thing to do is let people live their lives. Don’t always jump to the assumption that somone “doesn’t belong” wherever they are.

Dear White People:

Yeah, this whole pandemic is laying bare the way a certain portion of America—particularly the American right—looks at people. It’s nothing new, it’s just more explicit, more jarring. For decades we’ve put profits ahead of quality of life, now we’re just explicitly putting profits ahead of actual lives.

No, he is not coming to her defense you are not reading what Mr Cooper said.. is said:

Enough already! Quit dancing to Trump’s tune. He’s a mixer so he’ll keep pushing buttons trying to white trash “rope a dope” us all. Can we hate him more than we hate him now? Left-leaners wouldn’t cross the street to piss on him if he was fire. The opposite of love isn’t hate it’s indifference. Ignore him. Not rising

This is one of those moments where the phrase “class war” becomes as literal as it can get. It’s also the moment where the governing class’ typical strategy to deflect from class warfare (namely, divide and conquer) becomes as transparently obvious as it can be.

The original plan was to film on DoozerPhones, but they got eaten.

Pretty much the reason why Mandy Patinkin bounced early:

Twitter allowed Sandy Hook nuts to cause HELL for those survivors and families.

We have that exact same thought in common; I also would rather you choke from coronavirus than have myself smothered by a tyrannical government.

And over at the Department of White Women Not Showing Their Ass In Public, (53, Bader-Ginsburg St., behind the vanilla extract store with the labrador mascot) the board remains, unchanged.

I saw this in the Washington Post this morning, followed by a story about a police officer, in the midwest somewhere, kneeling on a black man’s neck and killing him for no fucking reason, some routine stop that probably shouldn’t have happened in the first place except the man was black and that’s what happens.

Clearly you haven’t seen him in tennis shorts.

Why are reporters not specifically lambasting these types for THEATRICALLY making their voices hysterical as the dispatcher asks them questions?! That point is almost more significant than calling the police.

She is apologizing because the internet went to work on her ass and she lost her dog and her job. More of this shit needs to happen. 

What type of dehumanizing non-apology apology was that! That man? She couldn’t even say Mr. Cooper, her has the same last name as you. She is just sorry (annoyed) that she was filmed and is probably going to lose her job. I’m certain that the people of color who work under her would corroborate this interaction with

prove it

Apparently, Harry hates the term “Megxit” because it implies Meghan was the one who wanted to leave the U.K., though it is a convenient pun. Perhaps “Susxit”

To think the USA went from such a special, dignified and empathic First Family to... this.