
Remember when people who declined to evacuate from the advancing hurricane were advised to write their name and SSN with marker on their arms to make their bodies easy to identify? I think everyone who wants to end the quarantine is welcome to do so, as long as they write No Vent on their forearms every morning. That

Imagine that. Completely bungling the virus response and doing nothing because “it’s an election year” backfired on him. 2.5 months in and he’s just now doing stuff he should have done in January, when experts and intelligence agencies were screaming at him about what was coming. But he “knows more than the experts”,

I think they believe it’s going to be some peaceful noble thing, like slipping off to sleep after a evening around the fire with loved ones.

the “deep state” that Trump hates so much (the political lifers, the people running the departments that aren’t appointees, the people who keep the system working even when asshats like him are in power) are managing to keep this shit afloat, and if Trump gets through this crisis, he will look good to low-standards

I like Scalzi’s response

Hopefully they are in their basements drinking bleach and fish medicine.

Live by the sword, die by the sword: all of the metrics Trump uses to measure himself are useless to him in a pandemic. Money, crowds - gone.

They are not exactly “pro-life”, never have been.


Having a party in her backyard for dozens of her friends, of course. Because she gets to tell YOU what to do, but you’re not the boss of her!

What Fauci has on Trump is the respect of the international scientific community, including (in all likelihood) the director of the NIH (his boss, technically) and the head of HHS.

I exist because my grandfather was a traveling salesman and out of town when the 1918 flu killed every single person in his family all at once. Wife, four sons, mother, and mother in law. All dead within 24 hours of each other. He moved out west, and that is why I was born. He never got over the horror.

“nodding sagely” is Pence’s default setting.

Ok. A bunch of Canadians are returning home from Florida so I’m finally getting some first hand reports of what you guys are up to--YOU ARE F---ing UP! People are telling me they didn’t know there was any problems until the Canadian government sent them an email telling them to come home--why? because of Fox and local

If you have contact with him currently call him up and tell him HE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING THE KICKING on that stage;)

He’s like a real life version of Kif.

You win the day with “Coron, A Virus.”

Horribly the most moral and patriotic thing Dr Fauci can do is kiss Trump’s ass however he likes so he doesn’t get fired and replaced with a yes-man whose main concern is how to hide the mass graves. And he seems to know it.

I wish Dr. Fauci would explain to Trump that there are no ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in this ‘war’ against this ‘invisible enemy’. Or maybe he has.

I mean... we can all agree the Florida gif is appropriate for this article right?