Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

Oh. Hello, fellow Texan! Re that district judge: I’ll be disappointed if I find out Clay Jenkins is also a piece of shit b/c he is the only seemingly sane elected official from this state when it comes to COVID we’ve seen during the last year.

Completely agreed. Even though I’ve intentionally bought Gorilla Glue in the past, I didn’t know they had a spray product. So I didn’t realize she had basically applied fiberglass to her hair. And I’m willing to bet neither did she. I hope she is okay.

Big ups to Dr. Obeng and Mr.Farinah! I am so glad people with the expertise and the ability to actually help Ms. Brown have stepped up! The internet has run her through the ringer over this. Bless her heart. I can only imagine the pain and suffering she’s been through from attempting to remove the product itself, much

First of all, shout out to you for blessing us with all this beauty on a gloomy Tuesday! I’m primarily referring to this selfie you’re serving, but of course my compliment includes the gorgeous black beauties on your walls.

Why these so-called patriots don’t get that “black history” IS American history, in its purest form is beyond me? This country was built on the backs and forged in the blood of people of African descent.

Thank you! Now that you mention it, it may be the joint? I have had this table for about 10 years and over the last few, it has been known to get wobbly. We’ve tightened the screws numerous times but it seems like they loosen themselves up somehow after a while? I was just thinking that perhaps the addition of an

Thank you!! I think I may try the wood glue first. However, if it seems the problem is that the screws holding the legs to table seem to loosen over time, is that something I should take into consideration when selecting a glue?

I can’t be the only one who had no idea Gorilla Glue even had a spray version? I should get some for that rogue leg on my coffee table... *strokes chin*

I have to disagree with this point:

what a silly, silly woman. even “every child matters” is not a theme relevant to BLACK history month. i mean, damn!

Exactly! You know Michael my distant cousin on my daddy side!

This is too funny... I have to copy and paste this to a select few people who may be down to participate in the fuckery with me.

I really love this idea. Good on Chris Paul and the rest of the Black celebs, activists, etc. for stepping up.


I think her proposed solution was that instead of attempting to work within a framework that was never meant for us, and that, in fact, intentionally excluded us, we should embrace this idea of working together to build a new system and an infrastructure that reflects and supports the diverse communities who were

At some point last summer, I attended a Zoom seminar about the intersection of race, class & social justice when it comes to issues like voter suppression, “get out the vote” campaigns, etc.

Word!” to your edit. When I read the first paragraph of this piece, I was like “Luh you Monique, but who didn’t see this coming? (besides white people?)” Even multiple other writers on The Root have started their recent posts in the vein of “We told y’all so...”

I also really love “Vanilla ISIS.”

Vanilla ISIS don’t take no days off. And why should they, when there are virtually no repercussions for their actions?