Something about trying to label this “black history” simply does not sit well with my spirit? Like, really? People still watch the Bachelor? Black people watch it, looking for representations of “black love,” no less?
Something about trying to label this “black history” simply does not sit well with my spirit? Like, really? People still watch the Bachelor? Black people watch it, looking for representations of “black love,” no less?
How in the world did I not know “Devil in a Blue Dress” was his first novel!? Good grief! He and Toni Morrison give me a lot to look up and aspire to. This is a Master Class I might actually be interested in, depending on the cost.
I only knew this because one set of my relatives who also shall not be named always preferred McCormick’s “Season All” to Lawry’s. However, I never felt the Season All was hitting quite the same.
i can appreciate dr. stewart’s scholarly, highly detailed, and no-doubt rigorous research into this topic. and i realize that black women buy & read books at far above the national average, so it makes sense to write something we are likely to purchase. but i’m so tired of all things related to relationship building…
God, reading this made my head hurt. Perhaps even more than the annoying complaints about “cancel culture.”
Came here to say the same thing!
i hope ms. patti knows her son/nephew is allegedly tweeting about black women being the death of this nation. if she didn’t know then, she knows now. and i am she’s found a new home for those loubs she left behind on the verzuz stage.
i actually own this book but it was too painful for me to get through. i DO love walter dean myers’ work. (fallen angels, anyone?) this sounds like an amazing cast, producers, etc. (i mean damn tonya lewis lee AND jeffrey wright AND everybody else?!) i bet this will be a great film. whenever it is released. lol.
that sums it up nicely.
reading ms. burton’s broke my heart. but i am so proud of her for speaking out and turning her pain into something so compassionate for other survivors. bookmarking so that i can comeback and donate when i get my coins up.
“a tick’s toenail”? stephen a crockett, where are you from? i guess i’d always assumed somewhere on the east coast. but that saying is so southern it made buttermilk biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning.
WOW! I had no idea that had happened. You go, Michael Harriet!
Selling the apartment makes sense, I suppose. It’s money in the bank. But I can’t believe Harold/the family is selling Ms. Morrison’s books? They seem like such an extension of her?
amen. <3
Because I am sure you have “Independent Thinker,” Ashy Ankle, and Ankhified Twitters in an uproar after posting this, I just want to say thank you.
WHY did this white ass man attend Morehouse Medical School in the first place?! Of all the institutions in the country his white male ass should ahve been accepted to, he chose Morehouse. For what??? Street cred for this political ambitions? My man even ran for and was actually elected “student body president,” no…
i am terrified that, by hook or by crook, this man is going to be reelected.