Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy


Thank you. This is the most rational and reasonable response to this debacle I’ve read yet. A child “working” in a fast food kitchen is dangerous for the child and the customers. Full stop. 

Amen. And that’s that on that! Tired of people on this soap box w/their “poundcake” speeches.

My Aries sister! You are not alone! Lol. I JUST recently tried to watch a couple of episodes of Power, but I wasn’t too taken in. I don’t have Starz, but I think it’s on Hulu?  Plus, I can’t stand 50 cent and only wish horrible things for him.

My Aries sister! You are not alone! Lol. I JUST recently tried to watch a couple of episodes of Power, but I wasn’t too taken in. I don’t have Starz, but I think it’s on Hulu?  Plus, I can’t stand 50 cent and only wish horrible things for him.


you know, i haven’t been around much. so i worried what i would find in the comments when i clicked on this post. but i am so glad to see that the root’s commentariat is still unafraid to call out and rip nonsense to shreds.

leave me out of this “y’all.” me and my household (of 1) did not partake!

welp, i just stopped by to say i adore you and i hope you have a great weekend, including your meal prep stuff! i’m sorry, but not at all surprised that people are being assholes. but you got this, sis! <3

Wow. I love this quote:

Toni Morrison redefined literature and language for me and so many other black people, and black writers, especially. She wrote to us, for us, in ways that it had never been done before.

Now playing

Thank you!~I had no idea she was releasing a solo project! I am here for it! Girl can sang! Nice to see real music fighting its way back.

CTFU! They were HIDEOUS!! If you asking for half a G for some sneakers, at least make them joints fly enough for me to want to be seen in them!

Aww man! They put people on paid “administrative leave” for way more egregious offenses than this! You can KILL SOMEONE (black) and not be forced to resign from your job. But dude can’t even shout out his fave via email? That’s messed up!

Damn! They said the shoes *possibly* caused Lonzo’s injuries and everything? That’s even worse than I could have imagined. And that’s saying a lot given Big Mouth Ball’s antics and the fact the shoes are absolutely hideous and (were) completely overpriced to begin with.

already in my amazon cart, but this?

I mean...

It’s been 10 years since I went to Essence Festival! Can’t believe it. But I need to get back... I was afraid it’d be over-crowded post “girls’ trip.” Maybe I will see you there next year?! From what I recall, the hotel and the concert tickets (good seats) were the hardest to book, so I should probably start looking

Good grief, Ms. Williams!! She is slaying in that gold dress! Looking like a Grand Slam trophy come to life!!