Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

Empress Rih!

nobody cares about DA washington’s feelings about her reputation! did she really hold a press conference/gathering to defend herself?

you need to go change your name to “mendacium” b/c you must be on some of the drugs that becky md was “prescribing” people with this bullshit comment.

what the fuck is wrong with people? this bish needs to be in prison until she hits menopause, minimum. and then not allowed within 10 feet of her kids or anybody else’s!

I love this song. <3

literally the least talented female rapper in the game right now and all she does is complain about all the fame and attention she gets. smh.

Shoutout to Black Girl Masculine for coming through with the callout! B/c changing everyone around the predator don’t do shit about his predation except give him new people to prey upon?

soooo.... where is lena’s statement about this? b/c i know good and damned well this is not all she had to say?


no. i can’t say that i have ever secretly had this wish. but this had better be better than carmen. you call it “magic.” but that ish was tragic.

this actually makes me feel like the chobani yogurt i spent years buying was a worthwhile investment b/c it never did much for my hunger! hahaha! i may grab some this weekend.

wait. you’re a trained economist? how the hell did i not know that after all these years?! also, this sums up any intelligent thoughts i have on the whole matter:

congratulations to the young brother! <3

damn. i had been thinking of getting a semicolon tattoo for several years now due to my battle with depression (despite the grammar issues w/the explanation behind it.) but reading that comment about dog the bounty hunter’s son’s trash ass video has firmly shut that down.

of all the 90s shit that deserves to be revived, we get this?

DAMN! Just when I thought Rihanna’s skin couldn’t glow any more than it already does...

lizzo is so freaking beautiful to me! (inside and out)

Jess NOT Hilarious

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huh? ciara just released a single last month?

i love me some janelle, but i have to admit that cici is the heir-apparent and obviously a big fan of miss jackson’s.