Same. I think he’s a pedophile through and through. This is just another distraction, IMO. Let’s keep the main thing the main thing. This fool’s trial and conviction is all I care about right now.
Same. I think he’s a pedophile through and through. This is just another distraction, IMO. Let’s keep the main thing the main thing. This fool’s trial and conviction is all I care about right now.
Thank you for interviewing CaShawn and sharing her side, btw, Maiysha. I appreciate this piece.’s been co-opted into the mainstream, close to the point of becoming meaningless
despite my lack of faith in the police in general, for some reason, i am still absolutely floored that someone like this was allowed to carry on for so long. my God the number of women he must’ve raped, brutalized, and possibly even murdered in three got damn decades of state-sanctioned terrorism!?
this was really great. but...
I am really glad to hear they aren’t going to euthanize it!
While I do recall the phrase from When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost, I have to say The Pretty Brown Girl, aka Auntie Peebz aka CaShawn is the first person I ever saw use it in everyday language (via her tumblr). I even bought some of those shirts for me and my niece from her tee-spring.
“fooling with”? nah, no euphemisms for an adult preying on children.
the same black community that has had incontrovertible video evidence of r. kelly raping young black girls for decades and is still “torn” on whether to support him? umm... not so sure.
TR: I’m curious as to why you don’t think they should mute his music.
i love this statement, also.
I LOOOVE LIZZO! That Coconut Oil EP was everything. I’m now excited for the album, which drops on my bday! 4/19, maiysha, just a few days after yours, i believe?
i KNEW there was some trophy wife in that look! and i thought your move was completed! i am so impressed you’re persistently doing this while moving. no way in hell that could be me. moving is such a night mare. and i look a hot mess for however long it takes to get my stuff out.
to be honest, i started reading this book, but gave up because i found the writer’s style frustrating. while i enjoyed the back & forth letters, i just didn’t “get” some of the stories (the first one about the protest, for example). maybe i think too hard? or need things to be too concrete, perhaps? idk.
this was beautiful michael. i always love your essays about your life and your family.
oh, btw, my compliment for your “naked” video was not meant to ignore that LOOK you served us in the top image! i love, love, love that eye shadow! (and the coordinating painting in the background)
excited to hear your full review. i don’t actually spend a lot of time in the sun. confession: i mostly wear sunscreen b/c of the topical meds i put on my face. lol. (i don’t even know what will happen if i don’t. my dermatologist just put the fear of god in me. LOL!)
all of the couples featured were great, but i must admit i’m partial to a few: i’m definitely trying to be like viola and have my life trajectory improve significantly and steadily after i meet a man! (for once)