Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

Dude is parading his new girlfriend WITH his wife in tow like a gotdamn polygamist king and he’s a “man ahead of his time”? Or just “moving on after a spouse has Alzheimer’s”? You make it sound as if Ms. Smith’s died or been placed in a care facility?

i love this look! you look so old Hollywood glamour. but i wonder if this could just be a daily look for me w/a bit of tinted moisturizer?

Yes, Dapper Dan! Call them to the carpet! So proud of him for handling up unapologetically. This is a prime example of why more companies need to have black people and other POCs in the board room, involved in the design process, etc.

YAAAASS! look at you, beautiful woman!!!

why i thought this was about designer shades? (eyewear) lol. everyone has been talking about rih dropping her shade own line and i thought it finally came true.

Thank you! I’ll have to go to a tjmaxx in a nice neighborhood and see what I can find.

i will always love harlem. always. i don’t care what they try to turn it into. the renaissance, harlem wing and waffle, sylvia’s, the apollo, striver’s row... baldwin and zora and nina and lorraine. malcom... like claude mckay, harlem is the home of my heart.

in addition to your skincare secrets, let us know how the alaffia deoderant is working!

not that i ever need an excuse to go to target, but okay, i think i’m going to have to pick up some stuff this month! i love the candle and the notebooks and that ida, harriet, sojourner, et. al tee!

that pic is gorge!! you’re beaming!

my god. reading this made me feel like i was stuck on a bad acid trip. i can’t imagine suffering through the actual book. 

Those are some dope glasses. I’m going to have to see if I can cop a pair of SEE.

Black owned Oral Care:

i love the way that stunna lip paint looks on you. (and rih) but i always have feathering or something when i wear it.

i truly admire your dedication! especially w/the weather chicago has been having. i’m perched and will be looking forward to the rest of the updates. 

i was ‘bout to say i know the ability to mute that ninja is part of the reason i switched from apple music to spotify a while back. i could not figure out how to do it on the former.

even if he wanted to, dude was and is STILL married. to the same woman, who apparently doesn’t mind him “dating” around? he should’ve been put out to pasture long ago.

When it comes to black celebrities, the collective is far more unforgiving to the sisters than the brothers.

So proud of Her Excellency! I won’t be able to afford a damned thing. But

to be frank, i do not believe that it is the minority of men who behave this way. (and i think that’s exactly what you’re getting at.)