Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

Isan is such a beautiful girl! And yesss to mental health, particularly among African Americans and teens, as her topic of choice! Congratulations to her!

is it bad that i didn’t notice anything on this cover besides serena’s picture? i thought “she looks great!” double tapped and kept it moving. i gotta pay more attention to detail.

yes! “me and you, your mama and your cousin, too!!”

And LeToya was the finest original Destiny’s Child member. I will fight to the grave with that hot take. Well, at least high school me will.

Agreed on both accounts! 

But why didn’t Aretha want the film released?


Yo, y’all gotta stop w/these cute baby pics from iStock! I don’t even WANT kids but their adorableness is unbearable!! 

Her Excellency was like

and beyonce.

man, fuck this guy. with his fake ass. but good luck to amara.


1. When I saw the headline, I though this was a Stephen piece b/c of his love for analogies. Touche’!

that baby is ADORABLE!! (the one in the pic, not the hypothetical racist white baby, obvs.)

i still remember going to one of the two black bookstores in my hometown and seeing for colored girls... on the shelf for the first time. 

Not. Ever. Has a black American ever been implicated in a mass bombing plot? Certainly not in recent history.

This list seems to grow every day. It’s almost likes it’s not safe to be a black person in America? Weird! 

i am a hand-washing loyalist. and i keep my hand sanitizer gel and/or wipes. i actually own this:

if they limited it to people who wash their hands PROPERLY, i’m sure both percentages would reduce even more drastically.

Lmao! Now that you mention it, I don’t think so. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!