I don’t drink beer. But I don’t think I’ve ever been to an event full of black people and seen someone knocking back Bud Light??? Was all that for him? Lol.
I don’t drink beer. But I don’t think I’ve ever been to an event full of black people and seen someone knocking back Bud Light??? Was all that for him? Lol.
Stephen... you and these analogies? The other day you compared Lauryn Hill to Kanye. And now Kaep is MLK? (Or is he Malcolm X, given the random quote at the end?)
i sure hope so. b/c i don’t take too kindly to those words being used to refer me by anyone, either.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and to remove all doubt.
i never realized it before you posted this pic, but you and danielle look like you might be distantly related on your grandmama side, third cousin removed. and oh... you’re the nonstop cardi party? i still adore you tho!! LOL. i’m playing.
i checked to make sure i’m still registered and find out early voting details a couple weeks ago.
did andrea know about the young girls he was raping, abusing, and coercing? b/c she was definitely married to him during and after the one child pornography case that was tried.
i was a huge, hug fan of hers—front row in her tours, owned every cd, etc. though that reality show made me less so.
right! his fanboys and fangirls are something else. all the think pieces and bending over backwards to excuse and explain his actions is baffling to me.
woah. i don’t even fuck w/lauryn like that anymore and i’m offended on her behalf.
thank you! i always thought meth was pretty tall! i didn’t know ghost was as well. this photo got them out here looking like bobby valentino and bow wow’s height. LOL!
yeah, i’m pretty good.
thank you. i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t tripping! smh.
I still don’t care for MBJ. But I can certainly appreciate a fine man when I see one. And he’s looking rather fine here.
wait. nike has a PAC?! or are you saying the employees have formed one? i don’t think those are quite the same?
i’m choking back tears seeing him in handcuffs. FINALLY! after years upon years of attacking women. bless andrea constandt and all the rest of his victims. i only hate that it took decades and it isn’t a 1/10th of what he truly deserves.
smh. i know people might think i’m heartless, but i really hope he AT LEAST will have to go to an actual jail for those 3 years rather than getting house arrest at this point.