Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

For some reason, this whole thing just really cracks me up. What a random thing to start a rumor about? Lol. 

Duly noted! I’ve been attending tons of baby showers over the past few years, and I never even thought about this. 

I never knew that! Someone was telling me about an expensive Lancome mascara that worked really well. I’ll have to get the name and see if I can find a comparable Loreal substitute. I know the Lancome lash primer is amazing!

Wait... She’s stripping still? I would’ve thought she’d parlay her past w/Orange Pinnochio into a “life after...” career. A book deal or something.

And you realize that (other than recently—I been MIA) I read and comment on most of your other posts, right?

BOTH! :)

Congrats to Alissa! She is stunning and she seems like a lovely girl. Her makeup has always been flawless every time I’ve seen her, so she’s a great ambassador.

All Hail Empress Fenty! <3

Mai... you know I love you like a fat kid—well, like I-love cake... But y’all gotta stop this. Lmao.

Kris. And it worked. People are taking it and running with it.

Yeah... I’m not even understanding the push that woman is getting... Like, at all. At least Beyonce is talented.

Right! He lied to them about his worth for years! And there have been other exposes on people who made their richest list based on the same funny math.

Talk about burying the lede! WTF, Forbes?!

Forbes has become the People magazine of financial matters. Meaning, it’s a “friend to the stars.”

God, please no. Y’all already post enough about her. Wasn’t it like 3 pieces back to back yesterday?

i always ignored these things b/c i couldn’t understand why i’d pay $5 for a button when i could just order whatever i wanted from my phone or computer.

i always ignored these things b/c i couldn’t understand why i’d pay $5 for a button when i could just order whatever

This. So much this. Would that each and every one of us walks onto ever “playing field” w/Serena’s confidence. No apologizing, no dimming, no shrinking. Just shining.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Sham! Wow!

LOL! omg. wait. are you saying he was bearding for her or the other way around? lmao. as pretty/fine as jill is, i’m sure there are plenty of men who’d do it for a lot less! or free, even!

Okay! That’s the part I’m stuck on! Can Jill marry me next? We can get it annulled in less than 8 weeks. I only need about 6 to get financially straight.