Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

This picture with that headline has me dying! LMAO!

ooooh stephen! you gonna get it now!

Yep. I know people who played varsity sports and had been offered scholarships to other schools to play and still couldn’t make certain teams at our HBCU b/c they were completely made up of white foreign nationals. (By senior year, one of my classmates made the tennis team, though. That was a break through.)

As a Hamptonian, I would like to say:

So incredibly tragic this is.

Thank you.

*dolphin screeches* EEEEKKKKKK.

Because Karl Lagerfiend has the best track record with being a good judge of what is and is not socially responsible?

What is Mel doing?! He knows he should have extra-strength Gorilla-glue double-sided taped that! Her boobs are not so small anymore. Lol.

Yes. Someone recently posted a story on a fan forum with the title “UPDATE! Rihanna Still Can’t Wink!”

I already pay A&T entirely too much for wi-fi only service. Combine that with TW’s shitty customer service, and I may be trying to find one of those old AOL dial up CDs...

Some nail salons here have bars and serve mixed drinks and wine to patrons. But there’s a 2 drink max.

this is cute. and nostalgic indeed. i also adore asos. but something about crayola makeup screams “your face will be ashy” to me.

i know, but i’m sure he’ll have arthritis and 10,000 other health concerns and conditions as an excuse to why he should not* have to go to prison.

What is “sensitive” about calling out someone about posting racist bullshit?

to an innocent little baby, no less? going to school to get a fucking education and this is how the “teacher” views this child? smh.

Damn. Poor Ms. Washington. Hope she sues for damages. Can’t imagine how bad Sriracha must burn the eyes. 

nothing about “reduce your calories” translates to“eat fake meat” to me. but what do I know? i am sure vegetarians will probably enjoy the option. not sure vegans will trust it, though. especially w/the risk of cross-contamination & kfc still factory farming.


What a cruel, inhumane, barbaric piece of trash excuse for a human being.