Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

so petty was under the influence in public, causing a scene, threatening people, and falsely called the police and all dude did was leave?

I think last I heard, Issa Rae is supposed to be working on the script. Not sure if they actually got an agreement/studio on board yet, though.

Literally ONLY came to see what she was wearing. And will likely only see the movie because of her! Lol. (never got into the clooney/pitt films)

This ninja is cancelled. If you choose to support him/his music, you deserve to get all the disgruntlement and disappointment your heart can hold.

Oop! CNN brought the receipts and stood behind their reporters. Faux News would never! Much respect to the news organization for this one.

In the midst of all the madness, this news is a welcome respite.

I went from outrage while reading the story to despondence by the time I got to the comments. What happened to Corey Williams is beyond shameful, and rather than rectifying it, the DA chose to add insult to injury...

Oh. Your comment says what I just said but way better. Should have scrolled down first and just posted.

So I am supposed to believe that Drakes biracial Canadian ass partnered with a Sudanese actor (?) to create “artistic commentary”on how African American actors are marginalized?

that baby is adorable and he looks just like his mama. that’s all i have to say about this.

the fact that i have never seen an episode of this show is working in my favor. other than jay ellis, i’m not familiar w/any of these guys.

thank ya! haha. it came on a spotify “cookout” playlist and i was mad at myself b/c i didn’t have that classic already saved in my library.

the irony of kanye using kim’s twitter to ghost tweet his former ghostwriter is not lost on me. the sunken place probably turned itself inside out last night at this level of inception-style fuckery.

I mean, I wasn’t really trying to move any deeper into the south, but if they making these brothers over there... I might be willing to trade my place in the “Dirty South”/Third Coast for the “Dirty South...”

I was puzzled/stuck on stupid at first.

every day i interact with a myriad of law enforcement officials. they are polite, genuine, acquiescent, and a bunch of other things that make most a pleasure to work with.

I think this one is more accurate:

You are really up in here trying it!


You know what? I think I’ll go over her head and contact Mama Marian directly about getting accepted into the family... I’ve always wanted Michelle as a “big sister.”