Thotline Bling: black girl supremacy

Precisely! I’m usually like “whatever...” when people say someone or something is“#goals.” But I *think* regardless of one’s political views, Mrs. Obama’s intelligence, poise, grace, eloquence, sincerity, etc. are qualities that are universally admirable. The woman is sharp as a tack!

While I am so devastated that I was not chosen to help ghost-write her memoir, I’m still hella pressed about its release.

Now I wish I hadn’t deleted all those “good conservative” white folks from my phone the day after Trump got elected... This is giving me all kinds of new age “rent party” ideas. I’d totally charge them 10 bucks a pop to have watered down drinks on my “balcony.”

Thank you for this comment.

ayo we knuckin’ and cuckin’ and ready to fight

I definitely need an “A” in my life.

i’ve definitely had white women therapists gaslight the hell out of me when i brought up the various microaggressions i was dealing with at work.

Thank you. But damn that sounds degrading and disturbing.


JK. But LMAO @ this random yet VERY APPROPRIATE gif I found when I googled “You’re a terrible influence.

oh my gosh. i didn’t even think of that! LMAOOOOOOOO. it’s definitely time for me to run up outta here & never look back.

i don’t know who these people are, but i’m not surprised things like this exist or that there’s a market for it. probably the same people who are “sons and daughters” of the confederacy and spend their weekends doing reenactments.

I’m tripping off the fact that they have transcripts of them! Or is Michael pulling my leg? Lmao. (at work, will NOT be googling this or “moe the monster”)

I was ‘bout to say “I hope they suffocate.” Idiots.

I just love this or really, any initiative that focuses on helping survivors of human trafficking heal, restore their self esteem, and make their place in the world.

You’re right. Cowards are always looking for someone smaller to pick on.

Byyyeee Yesha! Lmao.

This headline has me dying.

Damn you, Stephen! I wasn’t prepared for this.