
I’m half black, I live in SW Portland. I often get confused for Mexican. During the beta on two separate occasions I was approached by visibly wary and agitated people asking me if I was alright or looking for something. It’s the reason I don’t play it like I would like now. I rarely play in public anymore.

Ive been stopped by cops for playing Ingress, but they only asked a few questions and let me on my way. They didn’t even get out of their cars. Someone did call them on me, but I was walking around a quiet city neighborhood at 2am. All this while being very much white, which is to say, I was never in any real danger,

Thanks for the support!

I don’t think the point is “this is a Pokemon Go specific thing” but rather “oh, look, yet another thing for POC to worry about doing in public”.

If only he weren’t acting so free....

This is gonna be one of those comment sections, so I just want to say I appreciate you sharing with your experience and hope things get better.

Agreed. He’s not saying Pokemon Go is bad or wrong, he’s just pointing out that loitering and wandering around with your phone like a creeper is more dangerous for a black person than a white person.

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.