pierre clementi

Yeah I know, I voted for her. He shits all over her and publically humiliated her but she stays married to him and lets him campaign for her. Terrific for women.

For everyone who is worried about how they are going to explain this election result to your child (a) your kid doesn't give a fuck (b) if your child is that mature and intelligent they don't need you to explain it to them, they can make up their own mind.

And FDR appointed Klan member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court.

I voted for Hillary, but Jesus, you think her husband is any better towards women? Or Huma's husband?

Yeah a NY real estate mogul and TV star who hates Muslims and uncondionally supports Israel and has a daughter who converted to Judiaism. I think Jews are low on his enemies list.

Well, Ivanka married one and converted, ask her.

I always remembered him as Boss Hogg's no good nephew Huey Hogg.