
I don’t think you disagree with as many as you may think. I, too, am tired of being the champion of the alliance. There are so many games about being a prophsied one, a chosen something or other, a man of destiny or some crap. I’m a soldier. I participate in events, I don’t orchestrate or strategize them.


What, you don’t love the Dark Metal universe and the decision to go from “a Batman multiversal crossover” to “holy shit, we need the Batman Who Laughs in every single possible everything because people like it?”

That is a hilariously silly stance that no shareholders would take. “Pull funding” for a game that’s already had a solid hundred million—maybe more—spent on it? That’s not a threat any shareholder with an IQ above 9 would make. Release it now or we won’t ever make it available for release?

Yeah, the startup of the AvX plot makes no sense. The Fight Lights story is substantially worse in its premise - Tony Stark found a way to split the Phoenix Force into five different forms of energy? What in the shit? That would be like him creating a machine to kill Eternity or Lord Chaos and Master Order. The


Funny, my not liking the Beatles is completely irrelevant to someone’s belief in the act of not liking it. Crazy.

One of my absolutely favorite albums of all time. My brother and I, who do not share a ton of music in common, probably listened to this album a couple hundred times during a school summer break. We had different favorite songs from it - I was suffering from what I didn’t realize was a first depressive cycle, and

It was grey and sad, and sad and grey, and slow. And grey and sad.

I agree on a limited level - the hubris is that I think Kathleen Kennedy saw herself as Feige. Marvel’s obscene success - which is not singularly attributed to Feige, but an ongoing inner circle of collaborators, but with Feige as the overarching decision-maker - has probably, to some, appeared “easy,” so they could

Episode was a serious clunker. DB Woodside is one of my favorite TV actors (when he’s got work - he was great in Buffy’s last season, and I was so pleased to see him in season one - and continue to be), and he’s the only one doing much here.

You’re pathetic. Aaron Sorkin rubbed the lamp and didn’t like the genie that came out of the bottle. Because the genie knew he was completely full of shit. Aaron tried to steal credit for the story of an episode and convince fans that the Emmy he and another writer won was because he was some great, charitable

I mean let’s call the kettle black this post lacks any punctuation and doesn’t follow its own metaphor.

That seems remarkably dumb.

“[...] she spilled in her recent interview with Mr. Warburton magazine, which is not, as far as we can tell, a magazine about the actor Patrick Warburton”

“Fucking Americans, just fucking vote. If you want to have ideals, fuck your ideals, just deal with getting the giant piece of shit out of here.


I am very sad. Everyone lived, except Enoch. Deke got to be Director of alt-SHIELD. Mack got to stay Director. Fitz and Simmons are done being ripped apart. Daisy found her family. May has become, at the very least, emotionally aware if not emotionally sensitive. Coulson got to drive his new Lola (I’m quite certain

God, that move. Man, the season 1 vs. all other seasons’ fight choreography is so day and night. Season two was a whole new world. I know people shit on season one who didn’t bother to give the show time to breathe, but the fighting choreography wasn’t amazing (exception: Ward vs. May, season finale - holy shit

I dunno how much I want to cry.