
Whoever says that about Nemesis needs a smack in the head.

Jesus Christ, with the endless whining about how doing something different with a character is so utterly disrespectful to whatever. Jack Kirby's creations don't exist in a vacuum, they evolve with the times. If you hate comics so badly, why on earth even do this column?

I liked it.

Yeah, the CGI Medusa was just horrible. They really, really need to stop playing to their weaknesses (which CGI absolutely is) — I get it, CG effects are expensive for a weekly show, but that means you need to plan your stories around your budget. Not create very poor effects with that budget.

Oh god, the idea of someone taking a dump in Odo's bucket is horrible and great. And I think blaming either Keiko or Molly would be the way to go.

I remember being very confused seeing this on VHS for the first time. I've seen every Batman movie dozens of times, but found this one so dark and oppressive, so I only saw it a couple times—until Bruce rips off the cowl.

But then, who is?

It sounded like the real deal (with Bill MacNeil?). When goofing around on Sunday afternoons, I'll usually play a couple episodes of OUAT, because I hate myself furiously and for whatever reason I landed on the Giancarlo Esposito episodes quite squarely.

I can't be the only one hoping beyond hope that the body switch is permanent, Pan is defeated and Jared Gilmore is imprisoned forever in the box. And now Henry is played by Robbie Kay.