
The scenes with Floki in Iceland this season have been some of the best cinematic scenes in the entire series. I rewound and watched Floki’s conversation with Odin several times last night. Absolutely stunning and, in a season that has actually outperformed my expectations, Floki’s story line has been my favorite so

The Kratos becoming Odin concept is certainly interesting but is a HUGE departure from Norse Mythology. Odin, with his brothers Vili and Ve, create the world (midgard) from the body of Ymir the giant after they kill him. Odin is the grandson of the original being Buri. So, suggesting Kratos becomes Odin is completely

Great article. It confirms exactly what I thought was the issue. Over production of toys. What a stupid way to shoot yourself in the foot and screw over a whole bunch of people. From the people who lost their jobs to the fans of the series. This is unbelievable. I am not up to speed on the exact manufacturing process

Okay. So this has to be looked at as opportunity for someone (Sony, I'm looking at you) to take what Disney Interactive has started and do something with it. The toys are out there. The 300+ Avalanche employees are out there. Disney wants to only license their property. Disney is desperate for money. Put it all