30 commenters so far, most complaining, none doing what needed to be done. You’re welcome.
30 commenters so far, most complaining, none doing what needed to be done. You’re welcome.
Why was that video instead of text? There was no commentary; it was just words on a screen. It means you can’t watch it on your phone or read it discreetly at work and it uses a shitton more data. And makes your computer run hotter.
This absolutely needed to be a video, and could not have been presented as text I could read in 1/3 of the time.
Was X-Men 3 the one where Kitty Pryde called Juggernaut a “dickhead?” I don’t know, that got a chuckle out of me. I mean, look at that helmet! She’s not WRONG!
I liked the other writers, but I dropped AICN for good when one of them talked about reverse racism like it was a real thing. This was in an article about Wonder Woman.
I knew from the reactions that it would be bad. They still didn’t prepare me for what I read. I didn’t make it past the first few sentences. What in the actual fuck?
I’m tired of reading about Alamo Drafthouse news because every time I read it I think “Oh it’s a bar” but then my brain corrects me and I remember it’s a movie theater chain. THEN I remember there’s not one remotely near me and news about it doesn’t affect me and I go get a beer because I was just thinking about beer.…
If that lead pic is of the guy in question, then yeah, never be alone with that guy. I bet he’s done way worse than he’s accused of here.
I am predicting beards will be allowed by the end of 2018.
Next week on Jezebel: a 5,000 word missive about how AV Club user Werdup is the biggest misogynist in history.
Everytime I visit AV Club, I think, “Boy, I sure wish there’d be an article about Mike Judge, like, right at the top of whatever I’m trying to read. Like, right in my fucking face constantly. Every time.”
Yea lately I have been reading alot of Cyperpunk classics and other near future works and have been sadden by the ways in which they are seemingly more optimistic then the world in which we currently live in.
I have recurring fears that I’ve jumped into a timeline with which I’m not fully compatible. No greater evidence has presented itself than the fact that there’s a proxy war between neo-nazis and regular people over the copyright of a cartoon frog.
Born and raised in Illinois, political career started in Arkansas, but ended up living in New York like some elitist rich jerk. That life kind of says she has no soul. No place matters to her. They are all just stepping stones. Compare that to Obama. Obama is an elitist but at least you can tell he loves Chicago.…
I managed to get Daou to block me by sending him a fake Verrit mocking his conflation of people who dislike Verrit with people who dislike Clinton, so I’m sure he’s doing fine. He’s definitely not an overly defensive person incapable of seeing any flaws in things he creates.
While I have absolutely no doubt Hillary would’ve made a better president than Dolt 45, this right here is a painful reminder of just how low the bar really was this last time around.
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How about we never mention Milo Yiannopoulos in any context ever again, except for maybe his obituary?
It's the stage name of a female Asian rapper.