
I made my two-year-old cry I shouted so loudly after this catch.

The ghost of Rob Ryan still haunts those sidelines.

The Jags looked okay today and I bet they end up as one of the top three teams in Florida this year.

My kid spilled most of a plate of spaghetti during the anthem. What does it mean?

It’s a cougar, damnit!

That was a crazy (hard G)if

So this is way off topic but where was this photo taken? Why is there Japanese script all over the stadium? Was there a pre-season game in Japan years ago??

Sweet mercy! A Hudek sighting!

We are not discussing the problem of police brutality and racial profiling here. We are discussing the usefulness of Kaepernick’s protest. I feel like this protest only drives the wedge deeper. I feel like this does nothing to bring people together. He has every right to do it. But it adds nothing in terms of offering

Wouldn’t we rather engage the probelm and lift up like Carmelo Anthony is trying to do? Kaepernick doesn’t add anything useful here. He only takes away. I am much more interested in Mr. Anthony’s dialog than Mr. Kaepernick’s.

I hope King Felix gave him a big hug after the game.

I understand his justified frustration about a real problem but I don’t understand how or why the flag or the anthem somehow represents police brutality. Shouldn’t the ideal and the symbol of the flag represent the opposite?

All high school English teachers can use this tweet as an example of a non-sequitur. Thanks for the help, Trump! Already improving the robustness of education across the land.

I think I’ll listen to the entirety of The Wall tonight...

I’d like to see a dude in a Chewbacca suit do a first swim.

This dude just makes me happy.

So I manage a hotel with a swimming pool. As mentioned, alkalinity is a stabilizer the prevents pH from wildly swinging up or down the spectrum. In turn that allows the chlorine to work as intended. It takes about 30 seconds to test a swimming pool’s total alkalinity. And that is using the most basic, primitive