
Are you effing kidding me? This... in all honesty this just killed me inside so much. Stereotypical person (me) who tries to get a job after college angry at the world for seeing another story like this. I just can’t anymore. This isn’t a knock against Plunkett or Kotaku, but I am now just...blank. I don’t know how

Will they allow you to finally shut off the wifi from the shortcut window, or are we doomed to always have to go into settings to shut it off instead of that “disabled until tomorrow morning” BS that irritates me more than it should?

I feel like the only person on this earth that isn’t a fan of Rockstar’s games. While some stories are pretty good in Red Dead Redem and V’s bonkers multi-lead crime spree, I dislike the loose-feeling gameplay and never understood why some people foam at the mouth just by hearing bits of new things released by them. I

I want that Gilgamesh tote! Then I can carry his oddness around.

My pros: I’ve always loved how gorgeous the game is and the level design is wonderful. Raids are a neat maze where they won’t hold players hand in guiding them. The controls are nice and tight despite the reliance on a minor aim-assist that occasionally pulled my sights from where I want.

This game is a good example of the worst practice in gaming but tied into a monolith property and fine game that can bring in dedicated fans oddly ok with overlooking the VC-driven mindset

For me, the biggest damning point was the focus on that PvP arena BS and I felt like those that digested DS lore were put on the back burner (I’m salty on the overall lack of cutscenes in the entire game). If they even played their third game at all they would know everyone likes to fight behind Ponty Sully’s church

HLD was a game I was late to after everyone shouted it was a necessary indie title. But damn. It was beautiful, tragic, colorful, dingy, silent, worldly loud, difficult, fluid...without dialogue and a smidgen of an intro, it manages to be one of my favorite games where your mind wonders to fill in the gaps as to what

As someone who grew up with a strong single mother, it bothers and perplexes me how individuals can be so hostile based on what’s dangling (or not) between someone’s thighs or what they prefer to love. That toxic culture at Riot and other like-minded places makes me scratch my head as to why people stay (besides

Safe to say, everything would be better without sexist comments ‘n’ toxic players that plague headsets. Unless you actually have a literal ‘terminate’ switch to stop said player’s heart (Deathnote style) then that culture sadly won’t be going away for a while. But of course that’s a whole’nother “ethics” issue.

I must begin my black-market watermelon trade with japan. Get a farm space in California, ship with amazon prime somehow....poof! massive watermelon kingpin.  Now to perfect the watermelon inside of a watermelon.

I’m always a sucker for always using the D-pad for platformers no matter the console, and even for PC. I dunno. It always feels more accurate when trying to nail those small platforms and adds onto the nostalgic factor of certain games like Shovel Knight or Hyper Light Drifter (plenty of early days with NES ‘n’ SNES

EMU-Paradise was the reason I enjoyed FF4, Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, and Mega Man X due to the computer lab there having the ROMs installed. Plus that save function with the number keys was absolutely vital with super difficult games.

Game purchases for me were a complete buy without needing to worry on connectivity or updates or vile pay-to-play/loot box mechanics. I mean you could open a GameBoy cartridge or Gamecube/PS disc start right away (save for needing to make room on memory cards). From start to finish, you could complete a game (save for

I ended up pre-ordering the collector’s edition for the same price of a base AAA game and was floored with how fun this remake/homage/newish sonic game was from start to finish.  Just the arrangement from classic to revamped is handled so well and the gameplay feels as tight as the previous bit games.

Yaaas, the flash game was so much fun for a 2D little knockaround.  It was nice to have ‘em in P:SA.

and promise of cake

Card game markets and mometized boxes rule the world, would you create a game to possibly get money from solely sales? or make a buncha crap that currently is the “in” style of gaming where things are chopped and priced and seemingly still incomplete.

This is a satisfying vid in that it shows a moment of chaos handled in a smooth and quick deployment.

Is it bad a part of me is really pissed I’ve only seen coverage here and not on local/national news? Don’t get me wrong; I really appreciate this article as it gives more updates on a sad situation, so please know this a great piece. But dontcha know, people need their royal family gossip and celebrity birthdays and