
It’s definitely the best you can do to cute-ify this character as he always looks like he railed a bunch of coke.

Yeeees Mister Miracle is a weird, wonderful, dark, impactful bunch of greatness. I thought it was going to simply be ok, as it was just recommended by one other person I know, but I couldn’t wait for the next issue to drop and question his mental state, existence, and how Big Barda still kicks ass

Aww man I wish I submitted mine from last year since I just recently walked.

I feel really bad for the developers of PUBG. I was about to shell out the 20 bucks to get into their unfinished sandbox of chaos...but then Fortnite was all “this mode is free”. As a recent college grad lookin to make even for rent, free is a massive draw even if you have to deal with a small division with paid

The question here is: why didn’t you put his face on the award?

Oddly, the building aspect is a turn-off for me. I’ve tried a couple’a rounds and people just keep popping up walls and hopping until ammo runs out; either trying to hit the jumping player or take down one of many barriers.

I feel a part of the small small minority that got a bite tired of Cayde. It’s not that his acting is bad in any way, it’s just one-liner after quip after snipe after sarcastic remark on the mission. It gets a bit tiring when you get it over and over.

If this was a legitimate game, I would put money to pre-order it. I never knew I needed an anime girl shooter until now.

Not with an updated iphone, I refuse to go to ios 11 even though I can’t use most creative apps

I’m saddened my laptop crashed and I cannot participate this week :( let’s hope there some great ones to look through.

I had Enter the Gecko on N64. I recall it being an easyish platformer that suddenly got more difficult as it went on with some of the weirdest lizard puns to ever grace...anything really. At the moment I can only see it through my nostalgia filter as I haven’t touched it in years

Yea I tried to give the game a go awhile back; it’s alright. Kudos for creating a poppy and bright chaotic fun-pit that is basically free, but the shooting/building mechanics are something to be desired. I tried mouse and controller and just cannot find a “good” way to play it and left rounds more frustrated than

Nudist Beach shall live on!

Bloodbourne is packed to the gills with goodness both unreleased and finished. To this day it still demands a new run-through every now and then. Also the Whirligig made things ridiculously easy and makes for some fun times of just devastating the bosses.

This was deserving of the spot once it was seen in the comment thread

No, I’m not crying hysterically as I pour over this really lovely honoring of her son... But really, this is supremely moving in the face of tremendous adversity.

I’m ashamed that, as a FF fan, I could never afford the monthly subscription needed for XIV or XI. Opportunity costs n whatnot

Warms up the muscles so you don’t simply destroy your arm when throwing full power.

No Prime 4 news but Smash Bros. Ultimate is good enough for me.

I’m so shocked he held onto the ball, and thank god for jockstraps n cups