
I mean...that’s the risk of third-party tech no matter the system or electronics. Sure it beats the price but it’s because of risks like these that should make people pause to reaaaally think about it. While cheap on the immediate, it seems these docks will cost you way more in the long run, as such that is often the

There needs to be a stop to this. I get that there is always one person that ends up being the reason they get money, but geezus, this isn’t gaming. It’s just frustrating that this is the current gaming model.

If it helps....I laughed

Frozen hive? Like...(shrugs) how hard is it to introduce a new new race, not a sub-race, or them 5th race pyramid-ship dudes. It’s more tragic to see the current state of the game; I was a fan of the first.

Best wishes to Fahey

I watched them.....why did I do that? A question I’ll ask even in my grave.

Needs the bull spirit fuse-somethin’. Only one for me to plow through the game beginning to end.

The final scene spoofing his sword scene in Origins just made me roll on the floor, hysterically laughing aloud.

That’s the perfect plan. Use NES cartridges that people would never play...

It was such a lofty promise of a game since D1. It was alright but definitely had potential for future stuff. But then Bungie somehow messed that up so so tragically with D2. And somehow they even manage to continue to be so...ignorant(?) oblivious to the fanbase and what makes a good game anymore. I sucked up the

When my PS4 broke when my dog knocked the stand down, I was so scared I lost my main Dark Souls 3 and Bloodbourne saves of over 500 hours combined. Thank goodness I had the pro account and it was backing my saves up every week. The Switch NEEDS something like this in this day n age.

Wait. So people are upset watching an idiot play with other even bigger idiot? It’s not shocking nor should it been seen as such. Some streamers are fine, but most are just so tiring. Just exhausting solely by their attitudes.

I liked the whole cult vs instating the perfect americanized area that ends up blowing itself up. It’s always so fascinating when we are the monsters moreso than others and that’s why I’ve loved Farcry’s villains.

Ahh, I loved me some Runescape way back in the day, like earliest version of 2.0. Though I could never afford a basic monthly charge I had lots of fun with the base game.

World is the first MH game I’ve ever played it and i’m loving every second of it. The grind isn’t bad since it has use in making better equipment to take down larger/tougher monsters and you can see what you need to forge. It manages to scratch my Dark Souls scratch too since I loved co-oping bosses. And achievable

The camera thing is, I believe, to be one of the neatest things about the Labo thing. It brings out the infrared sensors capabilities and think you can create some awesome shots with it.

Find some crickets grounded into chocolate, kid you not it taste like almond

The dog in AsCred freaked me out more that it should have

ForgetMeNotR looks amazing to play. I may sacrifice the dough to simply get just that one part of the package. Pipsqueek looks neat; like stephen’s sausage roll

BF1 feels amazing to play no doubt. Aerial combat is still tight and responsive, as someone who tries to fly primarily the Warfighter felt wonderful. Yet, for some reason, I got turned off from it and got super bored. And I’m coming from countless hours of BF3. I think the leveling in 1 just didn’t feel rewarding in