
Tesla interns make roughly $35 an hour

I always forget ‘A Few Good Men’ in my lists of favorite movies.

So, let me get this straight - the generation of Greta Thunburg douches who say they are protecting the planet are dumping trash into the ocean yeah ok - GTFOH. It’s the same woke uneducated, self-entitled generation Z douchebags protesting on college campuses defending terrorists that know less than zero about world

Only after the 27 8x10 color glossies with the circles and arrows and descriptive paragraph on the back of each one.

Give them shovels and rakes, and implements of destruction.

After the huge leak years ago I can't believe anyone is still using this. Moreover, it's 2024. If you aren't monogamous, that's fine! Poly relationships can save a lot of people a lot of tears. 

What ever happened to just picking up bored drunk people at hotel bars near the airport?

I will never understand why some people are so casual about sharing nudes on the internet knowing everything that could happen with them. 

These people treating the FTC like it’s tech support is lowkey hilarious

How are people still using this site in 2024? Didn’t that 2015 data breach reveal that essentially every woman on there was a bot and/or scammer? I swear I heard it got shut down then too. I mean, no one who uses a goddamn paid service with a massive paper trail to facilitate their cheating has a shred of common

Partying and littering has an Alice's Restaurant vibe to me. Some community service and a couple of days in jail would be a good lesson. 

“OK, it’s sad about JK Rowling. Now does anyone want to talk about any of the other films I’ve been in? There’s, like, 16 of them. Also, I act in plays and television.”
“Yeah, that’s great. So about Harry Potter...”

I’ll take American cold rolled steel over the Korean stuff.

Exactly. Not just normal kids, but decent actors, with actual careers.

I bet the things breaking on a tesla are orders of magnitude more expensive to repair. and these are rentals that are getting 40-60K miles in a year. 

Tried it once on a business trip, as I knew I would be traveling only a short distance. Got the car with about 75% charge. Drove it 100 miles or so over 2 days. Found a Supercharger near my hotel. Drove over, plugged in, and did my email for 15 minutes while it filled with electrons (like ICE, you have to return the

I’ve never understood the idea that people would want EVs as a rental car.  Going to a location like a hotel or VRBO, not knowing if there’s charging stations nearby (or how to use them, if ICE is all you know)...seems like a nope.  Not a headache I want to deal with while traveling for biz...

They’re unloading them BEFORE they have to replace the batteries. Old batteries don’t charge fully to range expectations on the older EVs... This would be a big deal for the customer stranded in the mountains (or swamp)...

It is most likely a combination of tires and repair costs outside of warranty.