
911 managed to convince people that the Patriot Act was a good thing and not Big Brother writ large.

Podcasts are theater. Gotta get them clicks and likes.

TSA, like most security, is like IT.

...and which sucked.  Very few legacy sequels or reboots work at all.  Maverick is probably the only one I can think of that elevated its source material.

It’s like COVID. No one wants to be the entity that was perceived as not doing enough. The shoe bomber guy, one person and unsuccessful at that, created this shoe-off nonsense. Buy hey, can’t be seen as not going the extra, extra mile.

A 9/11 style takeover became impossible once they started locking the cockpit doors. That was the only real change they needed.

Maybe it’s the webbed toes.

Yeah, if you’re looking for someone from Hollywood who’s exposed more people to a ton of classical (and not just orchestral music)...

honestly this is kinda average stuff for a comedian

Add JFK (91) to that list. One of the best of the non-Spielberg soundtracks from that time period.

It’s his own fault for climbing up on that roof, really.

It’s a bit tough with movie scores to divorce the quality of the score itself from the memories it brings up from watching the film (or the qualities it furthers in the context of the film itself) but there’s no doubt Williams is one of the greatest film composers, and arguably the greatest still living. I think he

I would go so far as to say that his score for “The Empire Strikes Back” is one of the 100 greatest musical works of the 20th century. He absolutely should be considered as one of the great composers in history. 

Hook, Schindler’s List, and Jurassic Park (91, 93, and 93) are peak John Williams for me.

Seriously? Not one jab at “but the sand gets everywhere”? 

I took too many shrooms during Part One and thought I was IN the ornithopter when it crashed.  That’s how you experience true 4D.

Zendaya has the advantage of a baby face and a much more slender physique, so she can pass for “girl around high school age” 

They’re going with the Grease strategy.

Wah, welcome to literally every other industry, Hollywood.

Yeah, now write an article supporting every person who can’t pay their rent, you hypocrites.  Wah, wah, wah, I’m on TV, how dare I face life like poors!