
This is depressing. At some point in the past two decades, the world’s music producers decided we listeners just couldn’t handle the unaided human voice, and between the scrubbing and pre-taping of live performances and the reflexive use of pitch “correction” — even for perfectly competent singers — there’s a whole

I wish people were all as passionate as you are about it

People outside of big cities rarely really attend live performances of music these days that aren’t being put on by people already mega-stars, and this “live” music people go see is predominantly over produced in the way that you describe, even at what is

I can think of so many resources I found on the internet even six years ago: stuff that was well-sourced, in-depth and had integrity.... gone.

Man, remember when people pretended to be mad about M.I.A.’s middle finger? Oh, the Twenty-teens. Such an innocent time.

I mean we are at the point where Loki might need to lead the next Avengers movie.

You know, I don’t feel like there is allot in this trailer, I’m still fairly cautious. What I really liked about DP2 was the slightly surreal feel, and excellently directed actions sequences. IMO it levelled up the Deadpool franchise after DP1. I felt like it pulled back a bit, and didnt throw too much in the pot.

It looks good. It was a teaser, nothing more. Hopefully it’s not just a good movie, it’s a great one.

At least she’s using her private jets to pump millions of dollars into the economy and entertain people (she, in large part, IS the “product”). Elon and Bezos have (multiple) private planes in addition to corporate options. 100% promise that a good 3/4ths of their personal travels are frivolous and helping

Because... something, Fox News called her out in an X post saying her plane landed somewhere and “belched tons of CO2". Someone else commented it took Taylor Swift for Fox to finally acknowledge global warming.

Cause carbon offsets are bullshit?

She’s going to parachute into the stadium.

All of this discussion about her jets seems like it’s just falling into the right-wing trap of wanting to make the discussion about her negative, however possible.

They’re planning on doing touch-and-go’s at Reid airport, so the planes will drop off their billionaires and then immediately fly down to a second airport in Henderson for overflow parking. I’m sure Taylor will get in fine.

Her carbon footprint lol

Because... something, Fox News called her out in an X post saying her plane landed somewhere and “belched tons of CO2". Someone else commented it took Taylor Swift for Fox to finally acknowledge global warming.

I watch them for the single female lawyer, fighting for her client, wearing sexy miniskirts and being self reliant.

He looks like an elderly version of the Mutant gang leader from The Dark Knight Returns.

Here's hoping someone in production leaks the movie at least. And that Zaslav's career in Hollywood and in film ends. 

Spoiler alert for a movie released last summer! This is reminding me of how the High Evolutionary destroyed an entire planet full of living beings in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 because it wasn’t perfect. Given how Zaslav knows nothing about taking creative risks, James Gunn should jump ship now.